Care between work and welfare in European societies [Elektronisk resurs] / Edited by Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Tine Rostgaard.
- Pfau-Effinger, Birgit
Alternativt namn: Effinger, Birgit Pfau
Rostgaard, Tine.
- ISBN 9780230307612
- Publicerad: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan : 2011
- Engelska 272 p.
Serie: Work and welfare in Europe
- Relaterad länk:
http://www.palgravec... (Online journal 'available contents' page)
- Tensions Related to Care in European Welfare States-- B.Pfau-Effinger & T.Rostgaard Theorising Care and Care Work-- A.Anttonen & M.Zechner Tensions between Care Values and Care Policies in European Societies-- B.Pfau-Effinger Tensions in Family Policies in Post-Communist Central Europe-- S.Saxonberg Nordic Child Care - a Response to Old and New Tensions?-- G.Eydal & T.Rostgaard Tensions Related to the Transition of Elderly Care from an Unpaid to a Paid Activity-- P.H.Jensen & R.Juul Moberg Under Tension: Formal Care Work with Older People-- T.Kroger Tensions Related to Care Migration - The South-North Divide of Long Term Care-- T.Rostgaard, C.Chiatti & G.Lamura Migrant Carers in Eldercare Provision: Interaction of Policy Fields-- H.Theobald Tensions Related to Cash for Care Schemes-- B.Da Roit & B.Le Bihan.
- This book provides insights into the theoretical framework of 'tensions' related to care for children and the elderly. It analyzes if, and under what conditions, welfare state reforms have contributed to strengthening existing tensions, creating new tensions, or relaxing such tensions. -- The book makes an original and innovative contribution to the study of child and elder care in that it analyses new tensions that are related to different types and dimensions of care in the context of recent welfare state reforms. It provides insight into the history of theoretical concepts related to care, and the theoretical framework of 'tensions'. Analyses relate to new tensions that are connected with different types of formal and informal child and elderly care, and with migration related to care. Also, tensions within care cultures, and between the cultural and the institutional framework of care are analysed. Moreover, it is shown if and under which conditions welfare state reforms have contributed to strengthen existing tensions or even to create new tensions, and under which conditions they have contributed to relax such tensions. The volume brings together high-ranking experts in the field of research on welfare and work from different disciplines and from different European countries.
- 'It is very difficult to provide a convincing account of a field that is changing rapidly. This book achieves that task with a narrative that is both empirically wide-ranging and theoretically coherent. The Europe-wide scope of the book is particularly valuable as is its focus on the nature and impact of change and reform in policies and people's everyday lives. The reader will be invaluably instructed and impressed by the collection.' - Professor Mary Daly, Queen's University Belfast, Ireland.
- Child care -- Social aspects -- Europe. (LCSH)
- Child care services -- Europe. (LCSH)
- Older people -- Care -- Social aspects -- Europe. (LCSH)
- Older people -- Services for -- Europe. (LCSH)
- Public welfare -- Europe. (LCSH)
- Society. (ukslc)
- Child welfare. (thema)
- Age groups: the elderly. (thema)
- Comparative politics. (thema)
- Age groups: children. (thema)
- Care of the elderly. (thema)
- SOC (ämneskategori)
- JKSB1 (ämneskategori)
- JBSP4 (ämneskategori)
- JPB (ämneskategori)
- JBSP1 (ämneskategori)
- JKSG (ämneskategori)
- 362.7094 (DDC)
- Ohfb (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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