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The Magdalenian household : unraveling domesticity / edited by Ezra Zubrow, Françoise Audouze, and James Enloe

Zubrow, Ezra B. W. (redaktör/utgivare)
Audouze, Françoise. (redaktör/utgivare)
Enloe, James G. (James Gordon) (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 978-1-4384-3367-7 (inb)
Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, 2010
Engelska x, 335 p.
Serie: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology distinguished monograph series
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Domesticity expressed / Ezra Zubrow, Françoise Audouze, and James G. Enloe -- Technology and demographics: an introduction / James G. Enloe -- The Magdalenian site of Verberie (le Buisson Campin): an overview / James G. Enlow and Françoise Audouze -- Fauna and site structure at Verberie: implications for domesticity and demography / James G. Enloe -- Technologie lithique à Verberie: production domestique et apprentissage / Frédéric Janny -- Utilisation et transformation des matières osseauses au Buisson Campin (Verberie, Oise) / Aline Averbouh -- Pincevent and Verberie rocks and hearths: a tentative summary/preliminary analysis / Gaëlle Dumarçay and Madeleine Caron -- Introduction to domesticity and spatial organization / Ezra Zubrow, Françoise Audouze, and James G. Enloe -- Archaeology of equality: Magdalenian economy / Ezra Kubrow -- GIS of Verberie: spatial definition of the habitation units / Dustin Keeler -- Domesticity and spatial organization at Verberie / Françoise Audouze -- Espaces et habitats au Tardiglaciaire danse le Bassin Parisien: une illustration avec les Gisements Magdalenien de Pincevent et Azilien du Closeau / Pierre Bodu -- Éléments d'une organisation sociale Magdalénienne à étiolles du savior-faire au statut social des personnes / Nicole Pigeot -- Comparing social organizations of Magdalenian hunter-gatherers: a Swiss example / Marie-Isabell Cattin -- Introduction to the ethnographic section: focusing on interpreting the Magdalenian sites of the Paris basin / Françoise Audouze -- The probable sexual division of labor in Magdalenian hide working: ethnological evidence / Lawrence H. Keeley -- The roles of perishable technologies in upper Paleolithic lives / Olga Soffer and James M. Adovasio -- Slaughter and carcass processing of reindeer in Siberia: patterns and distribution of tasks- comparisons between prehistoric and ethnoarchaeological cases / Francine David, Claudine Karlin, and Vladimir D'lachenko -- Méthode de reconstitution des procédés de traitement des peaux en préhistoire: premières applications archéologiques / Sylvie Beyries et Veerle Rots -- Domesticity re-expressed / James G. Enloe, Françoise Audouze, and Ezra Zubrow.


Magdalenian culture  -- France -- Paris Basin. (LCSH)
Tools, Prehistoric  -- France -- Paris Basin. (LCSH)
Excavations (Archaeology)  -- France -- Paris Basin. (LCSH)
Social archaeology  -- France -- Paris Basin. (LCSH)
Verberie Site (France)  (LCSH)
Paris Basin (France)  -- Antiquities. (LCSH)


GN772.2.M3 (LCC)
936.4 (DDC)
Jj.01 (kssb/8)
Jj.03 (kssb/8)
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Zubrow, Ezra B. W.
Audouze, Françoise.
Enloe, James G. (Jam ...
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