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Sökning: onr:12304794 > German life writing...

German life writing in the twentieth century / edited by Birgit Dahlke, Dennis Tate, and Roger Woods

Dahlke, Birgit. 
Tate, Dennis. 
Woods, Roger, 1949-
ISBN 978-1-57113-313-7 (hardback alk paper)
Rochester, N.Y. : Camden House, 2010
Engelska vi, 216 p.
Serie: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Introduction: the purposes and problems of German life writing in the twentieth century / Roger Woods -- Life writing and writing lives: ego documents in historical perspective / Mary Fulbrook -- From Erlebnis to Erinnerung: rereading soldiers' letters and photographs from the First World War / Holger Brohm -- From the physiognomy of the Great War to the dangerous moment: Ernst Junger, photography, autobiography, and modernity / J. J. Long -- Persuasive illusions of the self: Albert Speer's life writing and public discourse about Germany's Nazi past / Magnus Brechtken -- The shoah before the shoah: the literary technique of allusion in Elias Canetti's autobiography / Anne Peiter -- "Ich schame mich meiner augen" (I'm ashamed of my eyes): photography and autobiographical identities in Grete Weil's Leb ich denn, wenn andere leben / Joanne Sayner -- "Mich in variationen erzahlen": Gunter Grass and the ethics of autobiography / Rebecca Braun -- Voyeurism? autobiographies by children of the perpetrators: Niklas Frank's Der Vater: Eine abrechnung (1987) and Meine deutsche mutter (2005) / Birgit Dahlke -- Dismembering the past, remembering the self: an interrogation of disability narratives by Luise Habel and Christa Reinig / Pauline Eyre -- "Schicht um schicht" - the evolution of Fred Wander's life writing project in the GDR era and beyond / Dennis Tate -- Thought patterns and explanatory strategies in the life writing of high-ranking GDR party officials after the wende / Ute Hirsekorn -- "Ein reines phantasieprodukt" or "hostile biography"? Gunter de Bruyn's Vierzig jahre and the Stasi files / Sara Jones.


Självbiografier  -- Tyskland -- 1900-talet (sao)
Litteraturhistoria  -- Tyskland -- 1900-talet (sao)
Autobiography.  (LCSH)
German prose literature  -- 20th century -- History and criticism. (LCSH)
Literature and history  -- Germany -- History -- 20th century. (LCSH)
Germany  -- Biography -- History and criticism. (LCSH)
Germany  -- In literature. (LCSH)


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