Hope, pain & patience : the lives of women in South Sudan / edited by Friederike Bubenzer and Orly Stern.
Bubenzer, Friederike. (redaktör/utgivare)
Stern, Orly. (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 978-1-920196-36-3
- Auckland Park, South Africa : Fanele, 2011.
- Engelska xxxi, 259p.
- "As in many post-conflict countries, the roles played by women during Sudan's long-lasting liberation struggle continue to go unrecognised. Thousands of women joined the southern liberation struggle in response to a political situation that affected whole communities, leaving the comfort and security of their homes not just to accompany their husbands but to fight for freedom, democracy, equity, justice, rights and dignity. As well as playing roles in the fighting, women acted as mothers, teachers and nurses, and filled numerous other roles during the war. The long-standing struggle for the liberation of South Sudan severely altered traditional gender roles as well as the societal structure as a whole. Women also suffered during the war. An increase in HIV, hunger and violence, particularly sexual violence, characterised their lives in Sudan as well as in exile for many years. Life in the post-conflict period continues to be challenging, as women try to carve out a meaningful life in a tenuous peace. This volume documents the lives of different groups of women in South Sudan. It seeks to understand the contributions made by a range of women both during the conflict and today. It describes the women of South Sudan: who they are, what they have experienced, what they hope and feel, what they experienced in the war, and whether the end of the war has brought meaningful change"--Back cover.
- Women -- Sudan. (LCSH)
- Women's rights -- Sudan. (LCSH)
- Sudan -- Politics and government -- 1985- (LCSH)
- 305.409624 (DDC)
- Ohja (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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