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Innovation and experience in the early Baroque in the Southern Netherlands : the case of the Jesuit Church in Antwerp / edited by Piet Lombaerde

Lombaerde, Piet, 1948- (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 978-2-503-52388-0
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, c2008
Engelska 266 p.
Serie: Architectura moderna ; 6
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Preface / Dalibor Vesely -- Introduction / Piet Lombaerde -- Peter Paul Rubens and François de Aguilón / August Ziggelaar S.J. -- Pieter Huyssens S.J. (1577-1637), and underestimated architect and engineer / Bert Daelemans S.J. -- Aguilón, Vitruvianism and his Opticorum libri sex / Sven Dupré -- Jesuits, mechanics and the squaring of the circle / Ad Meskens -- The façade and the towers of the Jesuit church in the urban landscape of Antwerp during the seventeenth century / Piet Lombaerde -- The façade of the Jesuit church in Antwerp : representing the church militant and triumphant / Barbara Haeger -- Light and measurement : a theoretical approach of the interior of the Jesuit church in Antwerp / Ria Fabri -- The phenomenon of day-light in the interior of the Antwerp Jesuit church : towards a new interpretation / Nathalie Poppe -- Rubens and the sculpture and marble decoration / Léon E. Lock -- The chapel of the Houtappel family and the privatisation of the church in seventeenth-century Antwerp / Bert Timmermans -- Appendix I. Architectural treatises, books and prints in the libraries of the Jesuits in Antwerp / Ria Fabri and Piet Lombaerde -- Appendix II. The Temple of Solomon : its interpretation by the Jesuit Fathers during the early seventeenth century and its architectural reception in the Low Countries / Piet Lombaerde.
  • "The Jesuit Church of Antwerp, currently the St Carolus Borromeus Church, was designed by Francois de Aguilon, a scientist and architect of the Jesuit Order. His publication Opticorum Libri sex on optics and on the reflection of light was edited by the Officina Plantiniana in 1613, the same year he started his project for the church. This scientific and theoretical work helps us to understand the new interpretations of light and space he experimented with."--Jacket. 


Jesuit architecture  -- Belgium -- Antwerp. (LCSH)
Church architecture  -- Belgium -- Antwerp. (LCSH)
Architecture, Baroque  -- Belgium -- Antwerp. (LCSH)
Church decoration and ornament  -- Belgium -- Antwerp. (LCSH)
Kerkgebouwen.  (gtt)
Culturele invloeden.  (gtt)
Antwerp (Belgium)  -- Buildings, structures, etc. (LCSH)
Antwerpen (stad)  (gtt)
Antwerpen  -- Karl-Borromäus-Kirche. (swd)


Karel Borromeus Kerk
St. Carolus Borromeus Church (Antwerp, Belgium)


NA5671.A635 (LCC)
726.5820949322 (DDC)
21.70 (bcl)
Ic-ga.43 (kssb/8)
Ic-gaz Antwerpen: Karel Borromeus Kerk (kssb/8)
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