Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, & students / Ellen Lupton.
Lupton, Ellen (författare)
- ISBN 9781568989693
- 2. rev. and expanded ed.
- Publicerad: New York : Princeton Architectural Press, cop. 2010
- Engelska 224 p.
- This book provides clear and focused guidance for students, designers, writers, and editors on how to arrange written content. Throughout the book, visual examples show how to be inventive within the systems of typographic form. With forty-eight pages of new content and dozens of additional illustrations, the second edition provides stunning examples, eye-opening demonstrations, and helpful exercises. Includes new sections on : lining and non-lining numerals ; small caps and enlarged capitals ; optical sizes ; captions ; punctuation and ornaments ; font formats and font licensing ; mixing typefaces ; hand lettering. -- from back cover.
- Grafisk formgivning (sao)
- Typografi (sao)
- Graphic design (Typography) (LCSH)
- Type and type-founding. (LCSH)
- graphisme -- typographie -- manuel. (rero)
- caractère d'imprimerie -- graphisme -- manuel. (rero)
- Graphic design (Typography) (LCSH)
- s1in (ämneskategori)
- 686.22 (DDC)
- Poa (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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