A short address, to the members of the loyal associations, on the present state of public affairs; containing a brief exposition of the designs of the French upon this country, and of their proposed division of Great Britain and Ireland into three distinct and independent republics; with a list of the directories and ministers of the same, as prepared by the directory at Paris. Sixth edition. By John Gifford, ...
Gifford, John, 1758-1818. (författare)
Longman (utgivare)
- London: Printed for T. N. Longman, Pater-Noster row. 1798., 1798
- Engelska 48 s. (s. 48 opag. annons)
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Placering: Historia Ryggtitel: Politiks pro et contra (Sambunden med: Autentic copy of a petition ... 1793)
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