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Shooting stars of t...
Shooting stars of the small screen : encyclopedia of TV Western actors (1946-present) / Douglas Brode
Brode, Douglas, 1943- (författare)
- ISBN 978-0-292-71849-4 (cloth alk paper)
- 1st ed.
- Austin : University of Texas Press, 2009
- Engelska x, 370 p.
Serie: Ellen and Edward Randall series
- TV-program (sfit)
- Västernserier, USA (sfit)
- Skådespelare, västernfilm, USA (sfit)
- Biografiska samlingar (sfit)
- Western television programs -- United States (LCSH)
- Television actors and actresses -- United States -- Biography -- Encyclopedias (LCSH)
- PN1992.8.W4 (LCC)
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