Joint structure and function : a comprehensive analysis / [edited by] Pamela K. Levangie, Cynthia C. Norkin.
Levangie, Pamela K.
Norkin, Cynthia C.
Verk som ingår i eller hör samman med denna titel
- Levangie, Pamela K. : Joint structure and function.
- ISBN 9780803623620
- 5th ed.
- Publicerad: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Co. c2011.
- Engelska xxii, 588 p. + 1 videodisc (4 3/4 in.)
- Biomechanical applications to joint structure and function / Samuel R. Ward -- Joint structure and function / Sandra Curwin -- Muscle structure and function / Gary Chleboun -- The vertebral column / Diane Dalton -- The thorax and chest wall / Julie Starr, Diane Dalton -- The temporomandibular joint / Pamela D. Ritzline -- The shoulder complex / Paula M. Ludewig, John D. Borstad -- The elbow complex / Cynthia C. Norkin -- The wrist and hand complex / Noelle M. Austin -- The hip complex / RobRoy L. Martin, Ben Kivlan -- The knee / Erin Hartigan, Michael Lewek, Lynn Snyder-Macker -- The ankle and foot complex / RobRoy L. Martin -- Posture / Cynthia C. Norkin -- Gait / Sandra J. Olney, Janice Eng.
- Leder (kroppsdelar) (sao)
- Human mechanics. (LCSH)
- Joints. (LCSH)
- Joints -- anatomy & histology. (MeSH)
- Joints -- physiology. (MeSH)
- Joints (LCSH)
- QP303 (LCC)
- WE 300 (NLM)
- 612.7/5 (DDC)
- Ven (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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