The AMA Handbook of Business Writing [Elektronisk resurs] The Ultimate Guide to Style, Grammar, Punctuation, Usage, Construction and Formatting.
Wilson, Kevin. (författare)
Wauson, Jennifer. (författare)
- ISBN 9780814415900
- Publicerad: New York : AMACOM, 2010
- Engelska 1 online resource (666 p.)
- CONTENTS; Loan, Lend; INTRODUCTION; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; SECTION 1 The Writing Process; Audience Analysis; Brainstorming; Research; Interviewing; Outlining; Writing a Draft; Using Visuals; Page Design; Publication Design; Editing; Proofreading; Document Review; Revisions; Footnotes and Endnotes; Documenting Sources; Global Communications; Bibliographies; Collaborative Writing; Promotional Writing; SECTION 2 The Business Writer's Alphabetical Reference; A, An; Titles Before and After Names; Names; Common Latin Terms; Long Phrases; States and Territories.
- Guidelines for Using Abbreviations in Your WritingAbbreviations for Measurements; Abbreviations for Numbers; Above, Below; Abstract Nouns; Accept, Except; Action Verbs; Active Voice; A.D.; Adjectives; Placement of Adjectives in a Sentence; Adjective Phrase; Use of Multiple Adjectives; Irregular Form Adjectives; Adjuncts, Disjuncts, and Conjuncts; Adverbs; Adverbial Clause; Positioning Adverbs in a Sentence; Prepositional Phrases Acting as Adverbs; Order of Adverbs; Advice, Advise; Viewpoint Adverbs; Affect, Effect; Age; Agreement; Alliteration; Alone, Lonely; Already, All Ready.
- American English, British EnglishAmong, Between; A.M., P.M.; Antagonyms; And Also; Antecedent; Antonyms; Apostrophe; Apart, A Part; Appears, Displays; Apposition; Articles; As, Like; As Well As; Average, Mean, Median; A While, Awhile; Bad, Badly; Back up, Backup; Because, Since, As; Below; Biased or Sexist Language; Bias, Biased; Bibliography; Billion; Bold Fonts; Digressions within Parentheses; Both, Each; Brand Names; Bring, Take; Business, Right; By, Bye, Buy; By, Until; Call Back, Callback; Came By; Cannot; Acts of Congress; Capital Letters; Associations; Clubs; Courts; Epithets; Holidays.
- Nobility and RoyaltyCaptions; Planets and Other Heavenly Bodies; Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers; Cataphora; Causative Verbs; Censor, Censure, Sensor, Censer; Chiasmus; Cite, Site, Sight; Clauses; Clichés; Click; Coleman-Liau Index; Collocations; Comma; Emphasis or Anticipation; Compound and Complex Sentences; Introductory Expressions; Prepositional Phrases; Infinitive Phrases; Word Omission; Addresses; Common Nouns; Company Names; Company and Product Names; Compared to, Compared with; Complex Prepositions; Compounding Sentence Elements; Compound Predicates; Open Compounds; Compound Words.
- Closed CompoundsComptroller, Controller; Conditionals; And; Conjunctions; But; Punctuation for Coordinating Conjunctions; Other Conjunctions; Subordinating Conjunctions; Conjunctive Adverbs; Contractions; Consonants; Contranyms; Convince, Persuade; Copyright; Count Nouns; Characteristics of Dangling Modifiers; Danger Notice; Dangling Participles; Revising Dangling Modifiers; Dash; Data; Deaf or Hard of Hearing; Deal; Declarative Mood; Defining Relative Clause; Degree Adverbs; Deixis; Denominal Adjectives; Determiners; Descriptive Writing; Device, Devise; Dimensions; Disc, Disk; Disjuncts.
- Ditto Marks.
- Just because you're not a born writer doesn't mean you should settle for less than perfect business documents. After all, every piece you write reflects directly on the quality of the product or service your business offers. Now, this helpful guide takes the guesswork out of more than 50 commonly used business documents, including: Reports Proposals Business plans Presentations Press releases Memos Email Newsletters Collection Letters Sales materials And more Arranged alphabetically and cross-referenced for easier use, the book presents clear examples of how to (and how not to) creat
- Business writing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Commercial correspondence -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- English language -- Business English -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Electronic books. (LCSH)
- HF5726 .W55 2010 (LCC)
- 808/.06665 (DDC)
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