Mathematics and logic / Mark Kac and Stanislaw M. Ulam
Kac, Mark (författare)
Ulam, Stanislaw M. (författare)
- ISBN 0-486-67085-6 (pbk)
- New York : Dover Publications, 1992
- Engelska ix, 170 p.
- Relaterad länk:
http://catdir.loc.go... (Publisher description)
- A description of the historical development of mathematics with a brief survey of high points and trenchant influences, originally published in 1986 by Praeger. A remarkable bargain. Fascinating study considers the origins and nature of mathematics, its development and role in the history of scientific thinking, impact of high-speed computers, 20th-century changes in the foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic, mathematization of science and technology, much more. Compelling reading for mathematicians, physicists, students?anyone interested in the evolution of mathematical thought. 34 illustrations. 1968 edition.
- Mathematics -- Popular works. (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Mathematics
- QA93 (LCC)
- 510 (DDC)
- MAT 030f (stub)
- Ta (kaab/8)
- Ta (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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