Language for a new century : contemporary poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and beyond / edited by Tina Chang, Nathalie Handal, and Ravi Shankar
Chang, Tina (redaktör/utgivare)
Handal, Nathalie, 1969- (redaktör/utgivare)
Shankar, Ravi, 1975- (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 978-0-393-33238-4 (hft)
- 1. ed.
- New York : W.W. Norton, 2008
- Engelska 1, 734 s.
- Relaterad länk:
http://catdir.loc.go... (Table of contents only)
- Parsed into Colors -- DAVID AVIDAN, Dance Music -- XUE DI, The Wanderer -- DIANA DER-HOVANESSIAN, Two Voices -- JESSICA HAGEDORN, Motown/Smokey Robinson -- MAMDOUH ADWAN, Tired of Soliloquies -- KAMARAN MUKRI, Star, Bird & Autumn -- NOOZAR ELIAS, Stars and the Dawn -- MANJU KANCHULI, The Way of a River, The Forest, Night -- FAZIL HÜSNÜ DAGLARCA, Dead -- KITAMURA, TARO, excerpts from "A Man of the Port" -- LEUNG PING-KWAN, Postcards of Old Hong Kong -- RAVI SHANKAR, Exile -- TAHA MUHAMMAD ALI, Postoperative Complications Following the Extraction of Memory -- YAN LI, Warm Inspiration -- NIRMALENDU GOON, Firearm -- PATRICK ROSAL, About the White Boys Who Drove By a Second Time to Throw a Bucket of Water on Me -- GREGORY DJANIKIAN, The Boy Who Had Eleven Toes -- CESAR RUIZ AQUINO, She Comes with Horns and Tail -- ISHIGAKI RIN, Plucking Flowers -- KAZI NAZRUL ISLAM, I Sing of Equality -- FIRUZA MAMMADLI, Leaning My Shoulder to the Sun.
- XIE YE, At Last I Turn My Back -- MOHAN KOIRÃLÃ, It's a Mineral, the Mind -- TSUJI YUKIO, Rum and Snow -- K. DHONDUP, Exile -- MOHJA KAHF, Lifting the Hagar Heel -- PURNA BAHADUR VAIDYA, Water Is Water -- WADIH SA'ADEH, Genesis -- YONG SHU HOONG, Chicago -- BOEY KIM CHENG, Wanton with James -- ISSA MAKHLOUF, We Travel -- SAQI FAROOQI, An Injured Tomcat in an Empty Sack -- ZAKARIYYA MUHAMMAD, Everything -- MUHAMMED AL-ACHA'ARI, excerpt from "Little Wars" -- SYED SHAMSUL HAQ, Poem 240 -- UNSI AL-HAJ, is This You or the Tale? -- YI SHA, excerpt from "Wonders Never Cease" -- NAZIK AL-MALA'IKA, Insignificant Woman -- MEENA ALEXANDER, Floating on Fifth -- BIMAL NIBHA, Cycle -- GIEVE PATEL, Squirrels in Washington -- SA'ADYYA MUFFAREH, excerpt from "The Spell of Blazing Trees" -- NURIT ZARHI, "For they are at the center of my life" -- WING TEK LUM, The Butcher -- AHMAD 'ABD AL-MU'TI HIJAZI, The Lonely Woman's Room -- HATIF JANABI, Paradises, Soldiers, and Stags -- LI-YOUNG LEE, Immigrant Blues -- BAROUYR SEVAG, The Analysis of Yearning (Garod) -- SHIRLEY GEOK-LIN LIM, Scavenging on Double Bluff.
- Slips and Atmospherics -- YANG LIAN, Knowing -- RUKMINI BHAYA NAIR, Genderole -- CATHY PARK HONG, Ontology of Chang and Eng, the Original Siamese Twins -- CHE QIANZI, Sentences -- JOSÉ GARCIA VILLA, The Anchored Angel -- FATIMA MAHMOUD, excerpt from "What Was Not Conceivable" -- ARUN KOLATKAR, The Alphabet -- LAWRENCE JOSEPH, Then -- BRIAN KIM STEFANS, from The Screens -- HABIB TENGOUR, The River of the Cyclops -- PRAGEETA SHARMA, A Brazen State -- MEI-MEI BERSSENBRUGGE, Safety -- SARAH GAMBITO, Scene: a Loom -- KATAYOON ZANDVAKILI, The Eglantine Deal -- AIMEE NEZHUKUMATATHIL, By the Light of a Single Worm -- MARILYN CHIN, Tonight While the Stars are Shimmering (New World Duet) -- JOHN YAU, In the Fourth Year of The Plague -- AHMAD DAHBOUR, The Hands Again -- LALE MÜLDÜR, 311 SERIES 2 (TURKISH RED)* -- TADA CHIMAKO, Haiku -- TAUFIQ RAFAT, Lights -- YEOW KAI CHAT, Quarterly Report No. 7: Epiphytes and Vetiver Control -- KITASONO KATUE, Oval Ghost -- TAN LIN, excerpt from BlipSoak01 -- WAFAA' LAMRANI, A Talisman -- MONICA YOUN, Stereoscopes -- BAHTIYAR VAHAPZADE, Pauses -- ARVIND KRISHNA MEHROTRA, The World's a Printing House -- ETEL ADNAN, Insomnia -- ALAMGIR HASHMI, Snow -- ABED ISMAEL, The Poem-The Mirage -- ARUNDHATHI SUBRAMANIAM, Strategist -- MARJORIE EVASCO, Dreamweavers -- KHALED MATTAWA, Texas in the Afternoon -- TSAI YIM PUI, enchantress -- YU JIAN, excerpts from "Anthology of Notes" -- BAHA ZAIN, Language -- VIDHU AGGARWAL, Customs House -- OUYANG YU, A poem, long overdue -- JALAL EL-HAKMAOUI, You Hear Me Jim Morrison? -- B.S. MARDHEKAR, The Forests of Yellow Bamboo Trees -- PAOLO JAVIER, DJ Cam 1 -- SALIM BARAKAT, Index of Creatures -- RICARDO M. DE UNGRIA, Notations on the Prospects for Peace -- SRIKANTH REDDY, Loose Strife with Apiary -- JENNY BOULLY, from The Body -- MICHAEL ONDAATJE, Proust in the Waters.
- An extensive collection of contemporary Asian and Middle Eastern poetry includes the work of four hundred contributors from a variety of backgrounds, in a thematically organized anthology that is complemented by personal essays
- Poetry -- Translations into English (LCSH)
- PN6101 (LCC)
- 808.81 (DDC)
- H.03=e (kssb/8)
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