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The mammals of Brit...
The mammals of British Columbia / by Ian McTaggart Cowan and Charles J. Guiguet. Illustrations by Frank L. Beebe.
Cowan, Ian McTaggart, 1910- (författare)
- Guiguet, Charles J. (författare)
Se även: Guiget, C. J.
- Victoria, B.C. : British Columbia Provincial Museum, Dept. of Education with the co-operation of Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, 1960
- Engelska 413 p.
Serie: British Columbia. Provincial Museum. Department of Education. Handbook ; no. 11
- Mammals -- British Columbia. (LCSH)
- QH71.V6 (LCC)
- 630*149(711) (UDK)
- 599/.09/711 (DDC)
- Ugf (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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