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GQ10 : Groundwater quality management in a rapidly changing world / edited by Mario Schirmer, Eduard Hoehn & Tobias Vogt.

GQ2010 (2010 : Zurich, Switzerland)
Schirmer, Mario. (författare)
Hoehn, Eduard. (författare)
Alternativt namn: Höhn, Eduard
Vogt, Tobias. (författare)
International Association of Hydrological Sciences. 
Alternativt namn: Association internationale des sciences hydrologiques
Alternativt namn: IAHS
Se även: IAHS
ISBN 978-1-907161-16-2
Wallingford [England] : International Association of Hydrological Sciences, c2011
Engelska xiv, 546 p.
Serie: IAHS publication, 0144-7815 ; no. 342
  • BokKonferens
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Preface / Mario Schirmer, Eduard Hoehn & Tobias Vogt -- pt. 1. Groundwater quality under conditions of global climate changes. Groundwater quality, climate and irrigation: large-scale, long-term trends in the Aral Sea drainage basin / Jerker Jarsjö & Rebecka Törnqvist -- Climate change impact on the leaching of a heavy metal contamination in a small lowland catchment / Ate Visser ... [et al.] -- Groundwater characteristic of the Najd aquifers, Oman, derived from isotope and hydrochemical signatures / K. Al-Mushaikhi ... [et al.] -- pt. 2. Policy and controls on groundwater quality. Incorporating groundwater quality in the water-supply and sanitation sector development program for Bangladesh / Kazi Matin Ahmed & Peter Ravenscroft -- Optimal fertilizer control for meeting EU groundwater nitrate concentration standards: El Salobral-Los Llanos case study / S. Peña-Haro, M. Pulido-Velazquez & C. Llopis-Qlbert -- pt. 3. Groundwater scarcity. Large-scale modelling of groundwater resources in an arid region / Edda Kalbus ... [et al.] -- Eighty-year variability in rainfall in northern Nigeria and its effect on aquifer recharge / S.A. Ayanlaja -- pt. 4. Urban hydrogeology. Methodologies and tools for the estimation of mass fluxes of xenobiotics at different scales in urban areas / Frido Reinstorf ... [et al.] -- Investigation and modelling of the degradation during rapid sand filtration and redox sensitivity of the industrial contaminant p-TSA / R. Meffe ... [et al.] -- Optimal sampling schedules of integral pumping tests for the investigation of groundwater contamination from urban line sources / Sebastian Leschik ... [et al.] -- Manufactured nanoparticle movement in the groundwaters of a redbed sandstone: laboratory experiments and field observations / John Tellam ... [et al.] -- Dynamic plant uptake modelling and mass flux estimation / A. Rein, P. Bauer-Gottwein & S. Trapp -- Micropollutant mass flow in urban receiving waters / Andreas Musolff ... [et al.] -- Multi-chemical and isotope approach for studying shallow and deep groundwater interaction in an urban area: the case of Tivoli Plain (central Italy) / V. Carucci, M. Petitta & R. Aravena -- Thermal groundwater use in urban areas-spatiotemporal scales and concepts / Jannis Epting, Peter Huggenberger & Christoph Butscher -- Groundwater quality of upper and lower Dupi Tila aquifers in the megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh / K.M. Ahmed ... [et al.] -- Hydrochemical and microbiological assessment of groundwater from the weathered basement aquifer in Ibadan Metropolis, SW-Nigeria / Moshood N. Tijani & Seybatou Diop -- Assessment of groundwater vulnerability and quality under urban-industrial influence in a subtropical town of north India / D.C. Singhal, H. Joshi & V.K. Sharma -- Societal costs for remediation of an MTBE groundwater contamination by air stripping / Mario Schirmer & Horst Niemes -- Simulation of the impact of the South to North Water Transfer Project on groundwater in the Beijing plain / Yang Yong ... [et al.] -- Reasonable exploitation of groundwater based on numerical simulation in Pinggu basin, Beijing, China / Hai-Zhen Xu ... [et al.] -- pt. 5. Emerging chemicals of concern. A new approach for calculating the predicted environmental concentration of human pharmaceuticals in groundwater at bank filtration sites / Beate Müller ... [et al.] -- The artificial sweetener acesulfame as marker of domestic wastewater in groundwater / Ignaz J. Buerge ... [et al.] -- Laboratory simulated transport of microcystin-LR and cylindrospermopsin in groundwater under the influence of stormwater ponds: implications for harvesting of infiltrated stormwater / Andrew M. O'Reilly ... [et al.] -- Perfluorinated chemicals in Swiss groundwater - results of the National Groundwater Monitoring NAQUA / Miriam Reinhardt ... [et al.] -- Investigations of industrial waste migration in a heterogeneously layered medium / Julia V. Fedorova & Alexey V. Lekhov -- pt. 6. Non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLS and DNAPLS). Long-term natural attenuation of crude oil in the subsurface / Barbara Bekins ... [et al.] -- Simulation of DNAPL distribution depending on groundwater flow velocities using TMVOC / Katharina Erning ... [et al.] -- Source functions for multi-component DNAPLs based on streamtube analysis / Michael C. Brooks, A. Lynn Wood & James W. Jawitz -- Mass depletion-mass flux reduction relationships during pumping used to determine source zone mass of a reactive brominated-solvent DNAPL / C.D. Johnston ... [et al.] -- Evaluation of multi-component NAPL source zone screening models by numerical simulation / C. Beyer ... [et al.] -- Three-dimensional modelling and analysis of dense nonaqueous phase liquid source zone architecture in heterogeneous soil / Chiu-Shia Fen & Changchieh Tsai -- The use of dynamic contact angle measurement to assess NAPL wetting hysteresis / John Heneghan & Ryan D. Wilson -- Laboratory testing of temperature increases, surfactants and co-solvents as options to enhance dissolution in a brominated-solvent source zone / G.B. Davis ... [et al.] -- pt. 7. Groundwater at complex contaminated mega-sites. A regional flux-based risk assessment approach for multiple contaminated sites on groundwater bodies / S. Brouyère ... [et al.] -- Integrated screening level evaluation of megasite redevelopment / S. Schädler, M. Morio & M. Finkel -- Drinking water production close to contaminant sites: a case study from the region of Basel, Switzerland / Adrian Auckenthaler ... [et al.] -- Three-dimensional numerical simulation of groundwater contamination by organoarsenic compounds in Kamisu City, Japan / S. Watanabe ... [et al.] -- From conceptual to numerical modelling of a complex contaminated site in Italy / Francesca Bozzano ... [et al.] -- Experimental and mathematical methods to quantify the water flux and the transport processes in heterogeneous aquifer model systems / Marko Hünniger ... [et al.] -- Influence of pore water and microbial heterogeneities on the evolution of NAPL contamination at old mega sites / D. Puigserver ... [et al.] -- A screening level method to derive contaminant distributions in groundwater for early stage assessments of brownfields / Maximilian Morio & Michael Finkel -- Contaminated mega-site management: the complex problem challenge / Mario Schirmer ... [et al.] -- pt. 8. Innovative clean-up technologies. Persulfate treatment of gasoline-range organics / K. Sra, N.R. Thomson & J.F. Barker -- Testing an autotrophic sulfate reduction reactor to treat sulfate-rich groundwaters highly contaminated by mining activities / Felix Bilek & Stephan Wagner -- Evaluation in a continuous-flow column of different fermenting substrates for the reductive dehalogenation of trichloroethene / M. Azizian ... [et al.] -- Increasing confidence in treatment performance assessment using a geostatistical approach / Zuansi Cai & Ryan D. Wilson -- Toward enhanced remediation methods using chaotic advection / Michael G. Trefry -- Applications and implications of direct groundwater velocity measurement at the centimetre scale / J.F. Devlin ... [et al.] -- Biosparging successfully limited fugitive VOCs while remediating residual weathered gasoline in a shallow sand aquifer / C.D. Johnston ... [et al.] --. 
  • pt. 9. Natural attenuation. Assessment of chlorinated ethenes biodegradation in an anaerobic aquifer by isotope analysis and microcosm studies / Karin Ebert ... [et al.] -- Chlorine isotope fractionation of organic contaminants: added value for in situ assessment of natural attenuation processes / Christoph Aeppli ... [et al.] -- Monitored natural attenuation of arsenic: promises and pitfalls from two case studies / Janet G. Hering -- Influence of natural attenuation and river fluctuations on benzene dispersion in an alluvial aquifer subject to strong interactions with surface water / J. Batlle-Aguilar ... [et al.] -- Proving natural attenuation at a petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated site by high-resolution direct push measurements as a basis for reactive transport modelling / Anita Peter, Benedict Miles & Georg Teutsch -- Three-dimensional analytical models for isotope ratios in pollutant plumes of organic contaminants undergoing different biodegradation kinetics / Patrick Höhener & Olivier Atteia -- Design and evaluation of bench-scale tank experiments for the quantification of transverse dispersion using numerical simulations / E. Ballarini ... [et al.] -- Two-dimensional flow-through experiments: versatile test systems for a combined investigation of transport and reactive processes in porous media / M. Rolle ... [et al.] -- Boundary conditions for explosives degradation in a Quaternary aquifer / A. Weber & S. Tränckner -- Groundwater pollution potential of additives used in borehole heat exchanger fluids / D. Ilieva, B. Morasch & S. B. Haderlein -- MNA site investigations - comparison of conceptual approaches derived from virtual model scenarios and real site studies / S. Grandel ... [et al.] -- Assessing of the effect of physical heterogeneity on single well tracer tests using imaging experiments / G. L. Barns, R. D. Wilson & S. F. Thornton -- Scaling kinetics of organic compounds degradation: laboratory values extended to field sites / O. Atteia & A. Mangeret -- Enhanced natural attenuation - determining the potential for reductive dechlorination in an oxic aquifer / Daniel Buchner ... [et al.] -- Determination of in situ biodegradation rates using 13C-labelled aniline / Barbara Morasch, Patrick Höhener & Daniel Hunkeler -- Compound specific C and N isotope analysis of negatively charged pesticides: on-injector derivatization/GC-IRMS versus LC-IRMS / Sandra Reinnicke, Anat Bernstein & Martin Elsner -- Natural attenuation of gasoline hydrocarbons from residual sources containing ethanol / Juliana G. Freitas ... [et al.] -- pt. 10. Protecting and managing groundwater quality. Application of groundwater life expectancy in the delineation of time-dependent capture zones for water supply wells / J.W. Molson & E.O. Frind -- Geometry of well capture zones in fractured media: uncertainties using an equivalent porous media approach / Martí Bayer-Raich, Jerker Jarsjö & Salvador Jordana -- Risk analysis for riverine groundwater extraction / R.M. Page ... [et al.] -- Using probabilistic well vulnerability criteria for a risk-based preventive drinking water safety concept / Rainer Enzenhoefer, Wolfgang Nowak & Rainer Helmig -- Nationwide characterisation of buffering capacities and background compositions of groundwater aquifers in the Netherlands / Jasper Griffioen, Janneke Klein & Ruth Heerdink -- Capture probability maps for addressing uncertainty: protection vs mitigation / Marcelo R. Sousa, Emil O. Frind & David L. Rudolph -- Assessing the impact of Beneficial Management Practices for controlling nitrate concentrations in well water / R. Rahman, E.O. Frind & D.L. Rudolph ... [et al.] -- Leaching of trace elements from a clay till aquitard by seepage from an oil sands tailings facility / A.A. Holden ... [et al.] -- Modelling nitrate dynamics in the well catchment Baltenswil (Zurich, Switzerland) / Fritz Stauffer & Sebastian Stoll -- Application of an agronomic model to determine optimal management strategies to reduce nitrate concentrations in groundwater / S. Peña-Haro ... [et al.] -- A method for standardising groundwater nitrate concentrations / A. Vrijhoef & L. J. M. Boumans -- Guidelines for optimal design of electron acceptor injection wells to enhance bioremediation of contaminated groundwater / Mohamed M. A. Mohamed -- Fate of iodinated X-ray contrast media compounds under aerobic and anaerobic groundwater conditions / B. M. Patterson ... [et al.] -- Vulnerability zones to nitrate pollution in an Alpine region (South Tyrol, Italy) / Roberta Bottarin, Uta Schirpke & Ulrike Tappeiner -- Nitrogen leaching to groundwater and surface water in the Dutch peat region / A. E. J. Hooijboer & B. Fraters -- Multivariate statistical approach to a hydrogeochemical characterization of the Virttaankangas aquifer, SW Finland / Päivi Niemistö & Kirsti Korkka-Niemi -- Modern groundwater management: measures undertaken at the source: a pilot project nitrate reduction in Klettgau SH / Kurt Seiler ... [et al.] -- Groundwater quality in Dutch water management / Hilde F. Passier ... [et al.] -- The role of permeability distribution on nitrate fate and transport, in different scale experiments under saturated conditions / M. Mastrocicco, N. Colombani & G. Castaldelli -- Application of multivariate analytical methods in assessment of factors responsible for waterborne Kashin-Beck disease in Sichuan, China / Xinxin Guo, Yiqun Gan & Yanxin Wang -- Risk-based prioritisation of point sources through assessment of the impact on a water supply / Niels D. Overheu ... [et al.] -- Decision analysis to minimize agricultural groundwater demand and salt water intrusion using treated wastewater / Ahmed Al-Juaidi, Ungtae Kim & Jagath J. Kaluarachchi -- Passive samplers for monitoring VOC in groundwater: prospects related to mass flux measurements / G. Verreydt ... [et al.] -- pt. 11. Processes at groundwater-surface water interfaces. Do variable hydrologic and redox conditions influence organic pollutants in the streambed? / C. Schmidt & E. Kalbus -- Assessing groundwater travel times and biogeochemical processes during riverbank filtration under the aspect of river restoration / T. Vogt ... [et al.] -- Experimental investigation of evaporation and condensation in sandy soils under simulated arid conditions / E. Shimojima, I. Tamagawa & J.V. Turner -- Effect of an artificial flood wave on groundwater in the hyporheic zone / Stefan Banzhaf ... [et al.] -- Spatial characterization of hydraulic conductivity in alluvial gravel-and-sand aquifers: a comparison of methods / S. Diem, T. Vogt & E. Hoehn -- Field study and iron reactive simulation in riverbank water supply well fields / Ekaterina Kazak, Sergey Pozdniakov & Natalia Muromec -- Hydrogeochemical and isotopic indications of groundwater-surface water interactions at Lake Pyhäjärvi, SW Finland / Kirsti Korkka-Niemi ... [et al.] -- Monitoring of change of the chemical composition of groundwater during vegetation periods / Inom Normatov, Muslima Kholmirzoeva & Nabi Nosirov -- pt. 12. Biogeochemical interactions. Denitrification hot spot and hot moments in a restored riparian system / Simone Peter ... [et al.] -- Identifying biogeochemical processes beneath stormwater infiltration ponds in support of a new best management practice for groundwater protection / Andrew M. O'Reilly ... [et al.] -- Reactive transport upscaling of small reactive heterogeneities for regional modelling / David Rodríguez Aguilera, Johan R. Valstar & Jasper Griffioen -- Use of chemical and biological techniques in the remediation of sites contaminated by chlorinated solvents / D. Puigserver ... [et al.] -- pt. 13. Vadose Zone processes. Modelling hydrologic and geochemical filtering of reactive solute transport in catchments / P.S.C. Rao ... [et al.] -- Comparison of gasoline spills with different ethanol fractions / Juliana G. Freitas ... [et al.] -- Reactive transport column experiment in volcanic ash soil and numerical modelling with anion and cation exchange reactions / K. Nakagawa, S.-I. Wada & K. Momii -- Laboratory experiments to determine oxygen transport in a fluctuating capillary fringe / C.M. Haberer & P. Grathwohl -- pt. 14. Contaminant dynamics in Karst systems. Estimation of nitrate discharge in a fractured limestone aquifer below a dairy farm in Ireland / Florian Landig ... [et al.] -- Towards developing conceptual models for reactive contaminant transport in karst / Michael Sinreich -- Particle density distribution measurements to control water quality of karst springs / Dominik Baenninger, Adrian Auckenthaler & Nicole Itin -- Estimating the vulnerability of karst springs to microbial contamination based on numerical flow modelling / Christoph Butscher ... [et al.] -- pt. 15. Salinization of groundwater resources. Development of groundwater salinity in the Wadi Zerka Ma'in catchment area, Dead Sea, Jordan / Taleb Odeh ... [et al.] -- Modelling and controlling of groundwater and salt movement in Yanqi basin, northwestern China / Shuixian Wang, Xinguang Dong & Bing Wu -- Groundwater as a driver of salinity in the Wybong Creek catchment, New South Wales, Australia / J.F. Jasonsmith ... [et al.] -- pt. 16. Groundwater ecosystems. Assessment of groundwater quality in parts of the basement complex terrain of southwestern Nigeria / Abel O. Talabi & Moshood N. Tijani.


Water quality  -- Congresses. (LCSH)
Water quality management  -- Congresses. (LCSH)
Watershed management  -- Congresses. (LCSH)


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