Courting social justice : judicial enforcement of social and economic rights in the developing world / edited by Varun Gauri, Daniel M. Brinks.
Gauri, Varun, 1966- (redaktör/utgivare)
Brinks, Daniel M., 1961- (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 978-0-521-87376-5 (hardback)
- Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press, 2008.
- Engelska xix, 363 p.
- Relaterad länk:
http://catdir.loc.go... (Contributor biographical information)
http://catdir.loc.go... (Publisher description)
http://catdir.loc.go... (Table of contents only)
- Litigating for social justice in post-apartheid South Africa : a focus on health and education / Jonathan Berger -- Accountability for social and economic rights in Brazil / Florian F. Hoffmann and Fernando R.N.M. Bentes -- Courts and socioeconomic rights in India / Shylashri Shankar and Pratap Bhanu Mehta -- The impact of economic and social rights in Nigeria : an assessment of the legal framework for implementing education and health as human rights / Chidi Anselm Odinkalu -- The implementation of the rights to health care and education in Indonesia / Bivitri Susanti -- Transforming legal theory in the light of practice : the judicial application of social and economic rights to private orderings / Helen Hershkoff -- A new policy landscape : legalizing social and economic rights in the developing world / Daniel M. Brinks and Varun Gauri.
- Mänskliga rättigheter -- U-länder (sao)
- Sociala rättigheter -- U-ländrena (sao)
- Human rights -- Developing countries. (LCSH)
- Social rights -- Developing countries. (LCSH)
- Law and economic development. (LCSH)
- Social legislation -- Developing countries. (LCSH)
- Sociale grondrechten. (gtt)
- Mensenrechten. (gtt)
- Economische ontwikkeling. (gtt)
- Ontwikkelingslanden. (gtt)
- Menschenrecht (swd)
- Soziale Gerechtigkeit (swd)
- Grundrecht (swd)
- Wirtschaft (swd)
- Developing countries -- Economic policy. (LCSH)
- Entwicklungsländer (swd)
- K3240 (LCC)
- 341.48 (DDC)
- 86.81 (bcl)
- Oc.01 (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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