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LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell [Elektronisk resurs]

Haeder, Adam. (författare)
Schneiter, Stephen. (författare)
Pessanha, Bruno. (författare)
Stanger, James. (författare)
ISBN 9781449394233
3rd ed.
Publicerad: Sebastopol : O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2010
Engelska 1 online resource (522 p.)
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Table of Contents; Preface; The Linux Professional Institute; Audience for This Book; Organization; Book Chapters; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; How to Contact Us; Safari® Books Online; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. LPI Exams; Chapter 2. Exam 101 Study Guide; Exam Preparation; Chapter 3. System Architecture (Topic 101.1); Objective 1: Determine and Configure Hardware Settings; BIOS; Date and time; Disks and boot devices; Using the /proc filesystem; USB Topology; USB Controllers; USB Devices; USB Drivers; USB Hotplug; Reporting Your Hardware; lsmod; Syntax; Description. 
  • Optionslsdev; Syntax; Description; lspci; Syntax; Description; Options; Manipulating Modules; lsmod; Syntax; Description; Example; insmod; Syntax; Description; Frequently used options; Example; rmmod; Syntax; Description; Frequently used options; Example; modinfo; Syntax; Description; Options; Examples; modprobe; Syntax; Description; Frequently used options; Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Example 4; Example 5; Example 6; Device Management Definitions; Chapter 4. Change Runlevels and Shut Down or Reboot System (Topics 101.2 and 101.3); Objective 2: Boot the System. 
  • Boot-time Kernel ParametersIntroduction to Kernel Module Configuration; Kernel boot-time messages; Reviewing system logs; Objective 3: Change Runlevels and Shut Down or Reboot System; Single-User Mode; Overview of the /etc Directory Tree and the init Process; Setting the Default Runlevel; Determining Your System's Runlevel; Changing runlevels with init and telinit; init; Syntax; Description; Examples; telinit; System shutdown with shutdown; Syntax; Description; Frequently used options; Examples; Chapter 5. Linux Installation and Package Management (Topic 102). 
  • Objective 1: Design a Hard Disk LayoutSystem Considerations; Limited disk space; Larger systems; Mount points; Superblock; MBR; Booting from a USB device; System role; Backup; Swap Space; General Guidelines; Objective 2: Install a Boot Manager; LILO; The boot loader; The LILO map installer and its configuration file; lilo; Syntax; Frequently used options; LILO locations; GRUB; GRUB device naming; Installing GRUB; Booting GRUB; The GRUB configuration file; Objective 3: Manage Shared Libraries; Shared Library Dependencies; ldd; Syntax; Description; Example; Linking Shared Libraries; ldconfig. 
  • SyntaxDescription; Frequently used options; Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Objective 4: Use Debian Package Management; Debian Package Management Overview; Managing Debian Packages; dpkg; Syntax; Description; Frequently used options; Frequently used options; Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Example 4; Example 5; Example 6; Example 7; Example 8; apt-get; Syntax; Description; Frequently used options; Frequently used commands; Example; dselect; Syntax; Description; alien; Syntax; Description; Frequently used options; Example; Objective 5: Use Red Hat Package Manager (RPM); RPM Overview. 
  • Running rpm. 
  • Linux deployment continues to increase, and so does the demand for qualified and certified Linux system administrators. If you're seeking a job-based certification from the Linux Professional Institute (LPI), this updated guide will help you prepare for the technically challenging LPIC Level 1 Exams 101 and 102. The third edition of this book is a meticulously researched reference to these exams, written by trainers who work closely with LPI. You'll find an overview of each exam, a summary of the core skills you need, review questions and exercises, as well as a study guide, a practice test 


Electronic data processing personnel -- Certification. 
Operating systems (Computers) -- Certification -- Study guides. 


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