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44 letters from the liquid modern world / Zygmunt Bauman.

Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925-2017 (författare)
ISBN 9780745650579
Publicerad: Cambridge : Polity Press, cop. 2010
Engelska vi, 188 s.
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • 1. On writing letters. -- 2. Crowded solitude. -- 3. Parents and children conversing. -- 4. Offline, online. -- 5. As the birds do. -- 6. Virtual sex. -- 7. Strange adventures of privacy (1). -- 8. Strange adventures of privacy (2). -- 9. Strange adventures of privacy (3). -- 10. Parents and children. -- 11. Teenager spending. -- 12. Stalking the Y Generation. -- 13. Freedom's false dawn. -- 14. The arrival of child-women. -- 15. It is the eyelash's turn. -- 16. Fashion, or being on the move. -- 17. Consumerism is not just about consumption. -- 18. Whatever happened to the cultural elite? -- 19. Drugs and diseases. -- 20. Swine flu and other reasons to panic. -- 21. Health and inequality. -- 22. Be warned. -- 23. The world inhospitable to education? (part one). -- 24. The world inhospitable to education? (part three). -- 25. The world inhospitable to education? (part two). -- 26. Ghosts of New Years past and New Years to come. -- 27. Predicting the unpredictable.
  • 28. Calculating the incalculable. -- 29. Phobia's twisted trajectories. -- 30. Interregnum. -- 31. Whence the superhuman force -- and what for? -- 32. Back home, you men? -- 33. Escape from crisis. -- 34. Is there an end to depression? -- 35. Who says you have to live by the rules? -- 36. The phenomenon of Barack Obama. -- 37. Culture in a globalized city. -- 38. The voice of Lorna's silence. -- 39. Strangers are dangers ... Are they, indeed? -- 40. Tribes and skies. -- 41. Drawing boundaries. -- 42. How good people turn evil. -- 43. Fate and character. -- 44. Albert Camus, or: I rebel, therefore we exist.
  • "This liquid modern world of ours, like all liquids, cannot stand still and keep its shape for long. Everything keeps changing - the fashions we follow, the events that intermittently catch our attention, the things we dream of and things we fear. And we, the inhabitants of this world in flux, feel the need to adjust to its tempo by being 'flexible' and constantly ready to change. We want to know what is going on and what is likely to happen, but what we get is an avalanche of information that threatens to overwhelm us. How are we to sift the information that really matters from the heaps of useless and irrelevant rubbish? How are we to derive meaningful messages from senseless noise? We face the daunting task of trying to distinguish the important from the insubstantial, distil the things that matter from false alarms and flashes in the pan. Nothing escapes scrutiny so stubbornly as the ordinary things of everyday life, hiding in the light of deceptive and misleading familiarity. To turn them into objects of attention and scrutiny, they must first be torn out from that daily routine: the apparently familiar must be made strange. This is precisely what Zygmunt Bauman seeks to do in these 44 letters: each tells a story drawn from ordinary lives, but tells it in order to reveal an extraordinariness that we might otherwise overlook."--Pub. website. 


Social förändring  (sao)
Sociologer  (sao)
Socialhistoria  (sao)
Postmodernism  (sao)
Social change.  (LCSH)
Postmodernism  (LCSH)
Sociologists  (LCSH)
Social change  (LCSH)
Social history  (LCSH)


Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925-2017 -- brev

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Lz Biografi: särskilda personer


303.4 (DDC)
Lz Bauman, Zygmunt (kssb/8)
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