Gender regimes, citizen participation and rural restructuring [Elektronisk resurs] / edited by Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Bettina B. Bock.
- Asztalos Morell, Ildikó, 1958- (redaktör/utgivare)
Alternativt namn: Morell, Ildikó Asztalos, 1958-
Bock, Bettina B. (Bettina Barbara), 1960- (redaktör/utgivare)
Ebooks Corporation.
- ISBN 9781849504898
- Publicerad: Burlington : Emerald Group Publishing, 2007
- Engelska 399 p.
Serie: Research in rural sociology & development, 1057-1922 ; v. 13
Serie: Research in Rural Sociology and Development
- Front cover; Gender Regimes, Citizen Participation and Rural Restructuring; Copyright page; Contents; List of Contributors; Editorial Advisory Board; Foreword; Part I: Introduction; Chapter 1. Rural Gender Regimes: The Development of Rural Gender Research and Design of a Comparative Approach; Part II: Social Citizenship and Gendered Constructions of Identities; Chapter 2. Agrarian Femininity in a State of Flux: Multiple Roles of Finnish Farm Women; Chapter 3. Care Work in Hungarian Agrarian Entrepreneur Families During the Post-Socialist Transition.
- Chapter 4. Rural Identities in Transition: Male Unemployment and Everyday Practice in Northern SwedenPart III: Economic Citizenship: Keeping Farming Alive; Chapter 5. Women Working off the Farm: A Case of Economic Citizenship?; Chapter 6. Tracking Empowerment and Participation of Young Women Farmers in Greece; Chapter 7. Parliamentary Discourses: Gender and Agriculture in the Swedish Debate in the 1940s and 1960s; Part IV: Civil Citizenship: Transfer and.
- A study of gender, citizenship and gender regimes, in a rural context. It looks at the construction of gendered citizenship in different rural contexts. -- This volume looks at the construction of gendered citizenship in different rural contexts. These contexts represent different welfare state and gender regimes, and different rural/agricultural conditions as characterized in different countryside types. This is a study of gender, citizenship and gender regimes, in a rural context with an international list of contributors.
- Sociology, Rural (LCSH)
- Sex role in the work environment (LCSH)
- Women in agriculture (LCSH)
- Rural women -- Social conditions (LCSH)
- Local government -- Citizen participation (LCSH)
- rural sociology (agrovoc)
- role of women (agrovoc)
- Local government (agrovoc)
- Social participation (agrovoc)
- Electronic books. (LCSH)
- 307.72082 (DDC)
- 305.3 (DDC)
- Oabbc (kssb/8 (machine generated))
- Ohj (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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