Perioperative care of the child : a nursing manual / edited by Linda Shields.
Shields, Linda (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 9781405155953
- Publicerad: Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
- Engelska xvi, 272 s.
- The history of children's perioperative care -- The psychosocial care of children in the perioperative area -- Care of the child in the operating room -- Nursing care and management of children's perioperative pain -- Surgical procedures on children -- Children's day surgery -- Anaesthesia in children -- The paediatric post anaesthetic care unit -- Fetal surgery -- Perioperative care of children with burns -- Paediatric transplantation -- The care of children having endoscopic procedures -- Ethical and legal issues in children's perioperative care.
- Barnsjukdomar (sao)
- Child (MeSH)
- Adolescent (MeSH)
- Perioperative Nursing -- methods (MeSH)
- Pediatric Nursing -- methods (MeSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Vfh Barnkirurgi
- Vpg Omvårdnad
- Vh Pediatrik
- 617.98 (DDC)
- Vfh (kssb/8)
- Vpg (kssb/8)
- Vh (kssb/8)
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Placering: 617.9 Perioperative
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