Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare / Immy Holloway, Stephanie Wheeler.
Holloway, Immy (författare)
Wheeler, Stephanie (författare)
- ISBN 9781405161220
- 3., [updated] ed.
- Publicerad: Chichester, West Sussex ; Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
- Engelska xii, 351 s.
- The nature and usefulness of qualitative research -- Initial steps in the research process -- Ethical considerations -- The issue of supervision -- Interviewing -- Participant observation and documents as sources of data -- Focus groups as qualitative research -- Sampling -- Ethnography -- Grounded theory -- Narrative inquiry -- Phenomenology -- Action research -- Additional approaches -- Mixed methods : combining qualitative and quantitative research -- Data analysis, procedures, practices, and computers -- Establishing quality : validity or trustworthiness -- Writing up research -- Qualitative research : the paradigm debate.
- Kvalitativ metod (sao)
- Qualitative research (LCSH)
- Nursing -- Research -- Methodology (LCSH)
- Nursing Research -- methods (MeSH)
- Health Services Research -- methods (MeSH)
- Omvårdnadsforskning -- metodik (sao)
- Qualitative research (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Dd Kunskapsteori och vetenskapsteori
- V:dd Medicin: metodlära
- Vpg Omvårdnad
- RT81.5 (LCC)
- WY 20.5 (NLM)
- 610.73072 (DDC)
- Dd (kssb/8)
- V:dd (kssb/8)
- Vpg:b (kssb/8)
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