Cultural diversity in health and illness / Rachel E. Spector.
Spector, Rachel E., 1940- (författare)
- ISBN 9780135035894
- 7. ed.
- Publicerad: Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Prentice Hall, cop. 2009
- Engelska xxiii, 401 s.
- Cultural heritage and history -- Diversity -- Health and illness -- Health traditions -- Healing traditions -- Familial health traditions -- Health care delivery and issues -- Health and illness in the American Indian and Alaska native population -- Health and illness in the Asian populations -- Health and illness in the Black population -- Health and illness in the Hispanic populations -- Health and illness in the White populations.
- Kulturell mångfald (sao)
- Hälso- och sjukvård (sao)
- Etniska grupper (sao)
- Mångkulturell omvårdnad (sao)
- Hälsa -- attityder till (sao)
- Cultural Diversity (MeSH)
- Cultural Competency (MeSH)
- Health Status (MeSH)
- Delivery of Health Care (MeSH)
- Ethnic Groups (MeSH)
- Attitude to Health -- ethnology (MeSH)
- Transcultural nursing (LCSH)
- Ethnic groups (LCSH)
- Diversity in the workplace (LCSH)
- Diversity in the workforce (LCSH)
- Multiculturalism (LCSH)
- Medical care (LCSH)
- Hospital care (LCSH)
- United States (MeSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Vna Samhällsmedicin och socialmedicin
- M Etnografi, socialantropologi och etnologi
- Vp Hälsovård och sjukvård
- WA 31 (NLM)
- 362.10425 (DDC)
- Vna (kssb/8)
- M (kssb/8)
- Vp (kssb/8)
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