Clinical reasoning in the health professions / [edited by] Joy Higgs ... [et al.].
Higgs, Joy (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 9780750688857
- 3. ed.
- Publicerad: Amsterdam : BH/Elsevier, 2008
- Engelska xiii, 504 p.
- Relaterad länk:
- (Table of contents only)
- Section 1: Clinical reasoning and clinical decision making : nature and context -- Clinical decision making and multiple problem spaces / Joy Higgs and Mark A. Jones -- The context for clinical decision making in the 21st century / Della Fish and Joy Higgs -- Clinical reasoning and models of practice / Franziska Trede and Joy Higgs -- Collaborative decision making / Franziska Trede and Joy Higgs -- Action and narrative: two dynamics of clinical reasoning / Maureen Hayes Fleming and Cheryl Mattingly -- Clinical reasoning and generic thinking skills / Stephen Brookfield -- Clinical reasoning and patient-centered care / Sue Atkins and Steven J. Ersser -- Factors influencing clinical decision making / Megan Smith, Joy Higgs and Elizabeth Ellis -- Dimensions of clinical reasoning capability / Nicole Christensen ... [et al.] --.
- Section 2: Reasoning, expertise and knowledge -- The development of clinincal reasoning expertise / Henny P.A. Boshuizen and Henk G. Schmidt -- Expertise and clinical reasoning / Gail Jensen, Linda Resnik and Amy Haddad -- Clinical reasoning and biomedical knowledge: implications for teaching / David R. Kaufman, Nicole A. Yoskowitz and Vimla L. Patel -- Knowledge, reasoning and evidence for practice / Joy Higgs, Mark A. Jones and Angie Titchen -- Knowledge generation and clinical reasoning in practice / Joy Higgs, Della Fish and Rodd Rothwell -- Understanding knowledge as a sociocultural historical phenomenon / Dale Larsen, Stephen Loftus and Joy Higgs -- Professional practice judgement artistry / Margo Paterson and Joy Higgs --.
- Section 3: Clinical reasoning research trends -- Methods in the study of clinical reasoning / José F. Arocha and Vimla L. Patel -- A history of clinical reasoning research / Stephen Loftus and Megan Smith -- A place for new research directions / Joy Higgs and Stephen Loftus --.
- Section 4: Clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making approaches -- Clinical reasoning in medicine / Alan Schwartz and Arthur S. Elstein -- Clinical reasoning in nursing / Marsha E. Fonteyn and Barbara J. Ritter -- Clinical reasoning in physiotherapy / Mark A. Jones, Gail Jensen and Ian Edwards -- Clinical reasoning in dentistry / Shiva Khatami, Michael I. MacEntee and Stephen Loftus -- Clinical reasoning in occupational therapy / Chris Chapparo and Judy Ranka -- Ethical reasoning / Ian Edwards and Clare Delany -- Multidisciplinary clinical decision making / Anne Croker, Stephen Loftus and Joy Higgs -- Treatment decision making in the medical encounter: the case of shared decision making / Cathy Charles, Amiram Gafni and Tim Whelan -- Algorithms, clinical pathways and clinical guidelines / Karen Grimmer and Stephen Loftus -- Clinical reasoning to facilitate cognitive--experiential change / Mark A. Jones and Ian Edwards --.
- Section 5: Communicating about clinical reasoning -- Learning to communicate clinical reasoning / Rola Ajjawi and Joy Higgs -- Learning the language of clinical reasoning / Stephen Loftus and Joy Higgs -- Beyond the restitution narrative: lived bodies and expert patients / Suzanne Alder and Debbie Horsfall -- Facilitating clinical decision making in students in intercultural fieldwork placements / Lindy McAllister and Gail Whiteford -- Using decision aids to involve clients in clinical decision making / Lyndal Trevena, Alex Barratt and Kirsten McCaffery --.
- Section 6: Teaching and learning clinical reasoning -- Teaching and learning clinical reasoning / Susan Ryan and Joy Higgs -- Helping physiotherapy students develop clinical reasoning capability / Nicole Christensen ... [et al.] -- Speech-language pathology students: learning clinical reasoning / Lindy McAllister and Miranda Rose -- Teaching clinical reasoning in nursing education / Suzanne Narayan and Sheila Corcoran-Perry -- Assessing clinical reasoning / C.P.M. van der Vleuten, G.R. Norman and L.W.T. Schuwirth -- Using simulated patients to teach clinical reasoning / Helen Edwards and Miranda Rose -- Peer coaching to generate clinical reasoning skills / Richard Ladyshewsky and Mark A. Jones -- Using open and distance learning to develop clinical reasoning skills / Janet Grant -- Cultivating a thinking surgeon: using a clinical thinking pathway as a learning and assessment process / Della Fish and Linda de Cossart -- Teaching clinical reasoning and culture / Elizabeth Henley and Robyn Twible -- Teaching clinical reasoning to medical students / Ann Sefton, Jill Gordon and Michael Field -- Using case reports to teach clinical reasoning / Darren A. Rivett and Mark A. Jones -- Using mind mapping to improve students' metacognition / Mary Cahill and Marsha Fonteyn.
- Medical logic (LCSH)
- Clinical medicine -- Decision making (LCSH)
- Communication (MeSH)
- Decision Making (MeSH)
- Clinical Competence (MeSH)
- Problem Solving (MeSH)
- Health Occupations -- education (MeSH)
- Teaching -- methods (MeSH)
- Medicin -- metodik (sao)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- V:dd Medicin: metodlära
- Eabv Undervisning i medicin
- 610 (DDC)
- V:dd (kssb/8)
- Eabv (kssb/8)
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