Physiology of sport and exercise / Jack H. Wilmore, David L. Costill, W. Larry Kenney.
Wilmore, Jack H., 1938- (författare)
Costill, David L. (författare)
Kenney, W. Larry. (författare)
- ISBN 9780736055833
- 4. ed.
- Publicerad: Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, cop. 2008
- Engelska xvii, 574 s.
- Relaterad länk:
- (Table of contents only)
- Structure and function of exercising muscle -- Fuel for exercising muscle: metabolism and hormonal control -- Neural control of exercising muscle -- Energy expenditure and fatigue -- The cardiovascular system and its control -- The respiratory system and its regulation -- Cardiorespiratory responses to acute exercise -- Principles of exercise training -- Adaptations to resistance training -- Adaptations to aerobic and anaerobic training -- Exercise in hot and cold environments: thermoregulation -- Exercise at altitude -- Training for sport -- Body composition and nutrition for sport -- Ergogenic aids and sport -- Children and adolescents in sport and exercise -- Aging in sport and exercise -- Sex differences in sport and exercise -- Prescription of exercise for health and fitness -- Cardiovascular disease and physical activity -- Obesity, diabetes, and physical activity.
- Fysiologi (sao)
- Idrottsmedicin (sao)
- Exercise -- Physiological aspects. (LCSH)
- Sports -- Physiological aspects. (LCSH)
- Physical Endurance (MeSH)
- Physical Fitness (MeSH)
- Exercise -- physiology (MeSH)
- Sports -- physiology (MeSH)
- Physiology (LCSH)
- Sports medicine (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Vca Medicinsk fysiologi
- Vu Idrottsmedicin
- 612.044 (DDC)
- Vca (kssb/8)
- Vu (kssb/8)
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