What really works in special and inclusive education : using evidence-based teaching strategies / David Mitchell.
Mitchell, David R. (författare)
- ISBN 9780415369251
- Publicerad: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2008
- Engelska xi, 240 s.
- Introduction -- A learning and teaching model -- Strategy 1: inclusive education -- Strategy 2: cooperative group teaching -- Strategy 3: peer tutoring -- Strategy 4: collaborative teaching -- Strategy 5: parent involvement -- Strategy 6: school culture -- Strategy 7: school-wide positive behaviour support -- Strategy 8: indoor environmental quality -- Strategy 9: classroom climate -- Strategy 10: social skills training -- Strategy 11: cognitive strategy instruction -- Strategy 12: self-regulated learning -- Strategy 13: mnemonics and other memory strategies -- Strategy 14: reciprocal teaching -- Strategy 15: phonological awareness and phonological processing -- Strategy 16: cognitive behavioural therapy -- Strategy 17: behavioural approaches -- Strategy 18: functional behavioural assessment -- Strategy 19: direct instruction -- Strategy 20: review and practice -- Strategy 21: formative assessment and feedback -- Strategy 22: assistive technology -- Strategy 23: augmentative and alternative communication -- Strategy 24: opportunities to learn.
- Specialundervisning (sao)
- Integrerad undervisning för personer med funktionsnedsättning (sao)
- Special education (LCSH)
- Inclusive education (LCSH)
- Classroom management (LCSH)
- Teaching (LCSH)
- Special education (LCSH)
- Mainstreaming in education (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Inkluderande pedagogik
- Eu Elever med särskilda behov
- LC3965 (LCC)
- 371.9 (DDC)
- Eu (kssb/8)
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