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Sökning: onr:10545350 > Opera and sovereign...

Opera and sovereignty : transforming myths in eighteenth-century Italy / Martha Feldman.

Feldman, Martha (författare)
ISBN 9780226241128
Publicerad: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2007
Engelska xxv, 545 p., 4 p. of plates
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Evenings at the opera. Opera seria, sovereignty, performance ; Ritual and event ; Magic and myth ; Public opinion ; Evolutions ; Crisis and involution -- Arias : form, feeling, exchange. Ritornello form as rhetorical exchange ; The singer as Magus ; Rubbing into magic ; Frame -- Programming nature, Parma, 1759 : first case study. Enter nature ; Remaking viewers ; "Cruel Phaedra!" : Ippolito ed Aricia ; Pastoral redemption, or The old order restored ; Appendix : decree on audience behavior, Parma, October 4, 1749 -- Festivity and time. Time and the calendar ; Festive realms/festive spaces ; Unbridling the Holy City ; Laughter, ridicule, critique ; Nature revisited ; Appendix : edict on abuses in the theater, Rome, January 4, 1749 --. 
  • Abandonments in a theater state, Naples, 1764 : second case study. Compounds of royalty ; The sack of the beggars and the gift of the king ; Didone abbandonata : agonism and exchange ; Apocalyptic endings -- Myths of sovereignty. Of myth and the mythographer ; Themistocles, hero ; History as myth ; Four sovereigns and two heroes ; The exemplary prince and the loyal son : Artaxerxes and Arbaces ; The conquering lover-king : Alexander the Great ; A hapless emperor : Hadrian ; Proud hero and imperial autocrat : Aetius and Valentinian III ; The king cometh ; Bataille's sovereigns : a postscript on identification --. 
  • Bourgeois theatrics, Perugia, 1781: third case study. A theater for the middle class ; What class is our genre? : reworking Artaserse ; Whether purses or persons ; Toward the ideology of a bourgeoisie ; Appendix : Annibale Mariotti's speech to the Accademia del Teatro Civico del Verzaro, December 31, 1781 -- Morals and malcontents. Dedications to ladies ; Conversations and "semiuomini" ; Regarding the senses : continuity, accordance, truth ; The family of opera -- Death of the sovereign, Venice, 1797: fourth case study. The death of time ; Opera in a democratic ascension ; 16 pratile/June 4 ; La morte di Mitridate ; Summer season : Caesar, Brutus, and Joan of Arc ; Moralizing the spectator.


Antik mytologi i operan  (sao)
Mythology, Classical, in opera  (LCSH)
Opera  -- Italy -- 18th century (LCSH)
Opera  -- Social aspects -- Italy -- History -- 18th century (LCSH)
Opera  -- Italien -- 1700-talet (sao)
Opera  -- sociala aspekter -- historia -- Italien -- 1700-talet (sao)
Mythology, Classical, in opera  (LCSH)

Indexterm och SAB-rubrik

Ijra-i Musik: operor: Italien


ML1733.3 (LCC)
782.10945/09033 (DDC)
Ijra-i (kssb/8)
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