Rhetoric : an historical introduction / Wendy Olmsted.
Olmsted, Wendy, 1943- (författare)
- ISBN 1405117729
- Publicerad: Malden, MA ; Blackwell Pub. 2006
- Engelska xix, 157 s.
- Relaterad länk:
http://www.loc.gov/c... (Table of contents)
- The rhetorician : demagogue or statesman? Plato's Gorgias and Aristotle's Rhetoric -- Eloquence, persuasion, and invention : Cicero's De oratore -- Rhetoric and the search for God : Augustine's On Christian doctrine and confessions -- Practical reason or self-interested calculation? : Cicero's On duties and Machiavelli's Prince -- Tradition and invention : Bacon's aphorisms and the Essays -- Deception, strong speech, and mild discourse in Milton's early prose and Paradise lost -- Prudence and eloquence in Jane Austen's Persuasion -- Literary criticism and rhetorical invention : Wayne C. Booth's The rhetoric of fiction and Stephen Greenblatt's Marvelous possessions -- Faction, and politics, and rhetorical invention : Eugene Garver's For the sake of argument and Danielle S. Allen's Talking to strangers -- Legal reasoning, historical contingency, and change : Edward H. Levi's An introduction to legal reasoning.
- Retorik -- historia (sao)
- Rhetoric -- History. (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- F.063 Språkvetenskap: retorik. Hit även muntlig framställning
- PN183 (LCC)
- 808 (DDC)
- F.063 (kssb/8)
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