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Sökning: onr:10444192 > Offenders' memories...

Offenders' memories of violent crimes / edited by Sven Å. Christianson.

Christianson, Sven-Åke, 1954- (redaktör/utgivare)
Alternativt namn: Christianson, Sven Å., 1954-
ISBN 9780470015087
Publicerad: Chichester, England : Wiley, cop. 2007
Engelska xvii, 380 s., [4] p. of plates
Serie: Wiley series in the psychology of crime, policing and law
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Theoretical aspects of offenders' memories -- Searching for offenders' memories of violent crimes / Sven Å. Christianson, Ingrid Freij and Eva von Vogelsang -- Memory formation in offenders: perspectives from a biopsychosocial model of eyewitness memory / Hugues Hervé, Barry S. Cooper and John C. Yuille -- An investigation of violent offenders' memories for instrumental and reactive violence / Barry S. Cooper and John C. Yuille -- The nature of memories of violent crime among young offenders / Ceri Evans and Gillian Mezey --. 
  • Memory for murder: the qualities and credibility of homicide narratives by perpetrators / Steven Porter, Michael Woodworth and Naomi L. Doucette -- Evaluating offenders' memories -- Neuroimaging and crime / Hans J. Markowitsch and Elke Kalbe -- Amnesia for homicide as a form of malingering / Harald Merckelbach and Sven Å. Christianson -- The role of malingering and expectations in claims of crime-related amnesia / Kim Van Oorsouw and Maaike Cima -- Evaluating the authenticity of crime-related amnesia / Marko Jelicic and Harald Merckelbach --. 
  • Interviewing offenders -- Interrogating suspects of crimes / Carole Hill and Amina Memon -- Interrogations and confessions / Gisli H. Gudjonsson -- Interviewing to detect deception / Aldert Vrij and Pär Anders Granhag -- Crime features and interrogation behaviour among homicide offenders / Pekka Santtila and Tom Pakkanen -- Memory-enhancing techniques for interviewing crime suspects / Ronald P. Fisher and Valerie Perez -- Interviewing offenders: a therapeutic jurisprudential approach / Ulf Holmberg, Sven Å. Christianson and David Wexler -- Index.


Minnet  (sao)
Criminal investigation  -- Psychological aspects. (LCSH)
Criminal Psychology.  (MeSH)
Empirical Research.  (MeSH)
Forensic Psychiatry  -- methods. (MeSH)
Amnesia  -- psychology. (MeSH)
Violence  -- psychology. (MeSH)
Violent offenders  (ncjt)
Violent crimes  (ncjt)
Forensic psychology  (ncjt)
Interview and interrogation  (ncjt)
Suspect interrogation  (ncjt)
Brottslingar  -- psykologiska aspekter (sao)
Våldsbrott  -- psykologiska aspekter (sao)
Förhör  -- psykologiska aspekter (sao)
Memory  (LCSH)

Indexterm och SAB-rubrik

Oepa Kriminologi


RA1148 (LCC)
2007 C-867 (NLM)
W 740 (NLM)
364.3 (DDC)
Oepa (kssb/8)
Inställningar Hjälp

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