Breastfeeding in hospital : mothers, midwives and the production line / Fiona Dykes.
Dykes, Fiona. (författare)
- ISBN 0415395755
- Publicerad: London ; Routledge, 2006
- Engelska ix, 213 p.
- Relaterad länk:
- (Table of contents)
- The birthing of the production line -- Formulating infant feeding -- Participating in production -- 'It is so demanding' : breastfeeding as labour -- 'Time to care' : midwifery work at the end of the medical production line -- Breastfeeding and midwifery work : re-conceptualising bodies, time and relationships.
- Breastfeeding -- Great Britain. (LCSH)
- Breast Feeding -- psychology -- England. (MeSH)
- Breast Feeding -- ethnology -- England. (MeSH)
- Hospital Units -- England. (MeSH)
- Midwifery -- England. (MeSH)
- Mothers -- psychology -- England. (MeSH)
- Amning -- attityder till (sao)
- Amning -- psykologiska aspekter (sao)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Vhc Amning
- 649/.33 (DDC)
- Vhc (kssb/8)
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