The world's newest profession : management consulting in the twentieth century / Christopher D. McKenna.
McKenna, Christopher D. (författare)
- ISBN 0521810396
- Publicerad: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006
- Engelska xxi, 370 p.
- Relaterad länk:
- (Table of contents only)
- (Publisher description)
- Introduction : making a career of consulting -- Ecomonics of knowledge : a theory of management consulting -- Accounting for a new profession : consultants' struggle for jurisdictional power -- How have consultants mattered? the case of Lukens Steel -- Creating the contractor state : consultants in the American Federal Government -- Finding profit in nonprofits : the influence of consultants on the third sector -- The gilded age of consulting : a snapshot of consultants circa 1960 -- The American challenge : exporting the American model -- Selling corporate culture : codifying and commodifying professionalism -- Watchdogs, lapdogs, or retrievers? liability and the rebirth of the management audit -- Conclusion : the word's newest profession? -- Notes.
- Konsultverksamhet (sao)
- Business consultants -- United States (LCSH)
- Consulting firms -- United States (LCSH)
- Organisationskonsulter -- USA (sao)
- Management consultants -- USA (shbe)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Qbak Konsultverksamhet
- HD69.C6 (LCC)
- 65.08 (UDK)
- 001 (DDC)
- Qbak (kssb/8)
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