Selling, Jan,1967-
Uniform titel:FrigörelsenEngelska
Romani liberation : a northern perspective on emancipatory struggles and progress /Jan Selling ; with a foreword by Nicoleta Bitu and afterwords by Soraya Post and Hans Caldaras ; translated by Dana Schlitter.
Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...
Publicerad:Budapest, Hungary ;Publicerad:Vienna :Publicerad:Central European University Press,Publicerad:2022
xii, 215 sidorillustrationer24 cm
Ogiltigt nummer / annan version:9789633864524
Kompletterande språkuppgifter
Översättning från:svenska
Ingår i deldatabas
Critical Romani studies book series,2786-2925
"Originally published in Swedish as "Frigörelsen: Romers och resandes emancipation i Sverige och andra länder" (Carlsson Bokförlag, 2020)."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
International Perspective : The Long Road to Liberation -- Romani Politics for Historical Justice and the Fight Against Antigypsyism -- Decolonizing Romani Studies -- Agency, Structures, and Discourses in Romani Liberation -- Romani Emancipation in Sweden : A Historical Overview -- Momentum for Romani Rights in Sweden, 2010-2016.
"Centered on the trajectory of the emancipation of Roma people in Scandinavia, Romani Liberation is a powerful challenge to the stereotype describing Romani as passive and incapable of responsibility and agency. The author also criticizes benevolent but paternalistic attitudes that center on Romani victimhood. The first part of the book offers a comprehensive overview of the chronological phases of Romani emancipation in Sweden and other countries. Underscoring the significance of Roma activism in this process, Jan Selling profiles sixty Romani activists and protagonists, including numerous original photos. The narrative is followed by an analysis of the concepts of historical justice and of the process of decolonizing Romani Studies. Selling highlights the impact of the historical contexts that have enabled or impeded the success of the struggles against discrimination and for equal rights, emphasizing Romani activism as a precondition for liberation. The particular Swedish framework is accentuated by a stimulating preface by the international activist Nicoleta Bitu, and afterwords by two prominent Romani advocates, the politician Soraya Post and the singer, author, and elder Hans Caldaras"--Provided by publisher.
Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar
Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)
Bitu, Nicoleta
Post, Soraya,1956-
Caldaras, Hans,1948-
Critical Romani studies book series,2786-2925
Bibliotekens lokala klassifikation, anmärkningar och ämnesord
Länkade data-URI:er (test)
- https://libris.kb.se/20dhp59l4k4bsvl#it (Selling, Jan, 1967- aut)
- https://id.kb.se/term/sao/Diskriminering%20av%20romer (Diskriminering av romer sao)
- https://id.kb.se/term/sao/Romer (Romer sao)
- https://id.kb.se/term/sao/Politiskt%20deltagande (Politiskt deltagande sao)
- https://id.kb.se/term/sao/Romer--historia (Romer historia sao)
- https://libris.kb.se/53hltfsp5pt6151#it (Post, Soraya, 1956- aft)
- https://libris.kb.se/hftwwp011hk8nvx#it (Caldaras, Hans, 1948- aft)
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