Students' strategies for managing social loafers in problem-based learning : interactional means of dealing with unequal participation in group work / Robert McQuade, Esther Ventura-Medina, Sally Wiggins, Gillian Hendry, Anthony Anderson.
McQuade, Robert (författare)
Ventura-Medina, Esther (författare)
- Wiggins Young, Sally, 1975- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Wiggins, Sally, 1975-
Hendry, Gillian (författare)
Anderson, Anthony (författare)
- Publicerad: 2020
- Engelska.
Ingår i: Interactional research into problem-based learning. - 9781557538048 - 1557538042 ; Sidorna 275-296
- In this new era of education, employers require graduates who are not only academically proficient, but who also possess a variety of attributes such as being communicators, leaders, and networkers (Davidson & Major, 2014). As well as technical and practical subject knowledge, today’s students of the 'Information Age' (Lee, Huh & Reigeluth, 2015) must be capable of working with others and jointly making decisions, regardless of the unpredictable work-based challenges that they may face (Woods, Briedis & Perna, 2013). Essentially, employers demand the professional skills which gear graduates directly towards industry needs, and these competencies must be cultivated by educational institutions throughout (Imafuku, 2012). Problem-based Learning (PBL) – a group-based pedagogical approach where students are placed at the core of their learning – has been shown to foster these very skills (Boud & Feletti, 1997).
- Problembaserat lärande (sao)
- Problem-based learning (LCSH)
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Interactional research into problem-based learning