Optimization of Manufacturing Processes / edited by Kapil Gupta, Munish Kumar Gupta.
Gupta, Kapil. (redaktör/utgivare, creator_code:http//idlocgov/vocabulary/relators/edt_t)
Gupta, Munish Kumar. (redaktör/utgivare, creator_code:http//idlocgov/vocabulary/relators/edt_t)
SpringerLink (Online service)
- ISBN 9783030196387
- 1st ed. 2020.
- Publicerad: Cham : Springer International Publishing : 2020
- Engelska VIII, 232 p.
Serie: Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, 1860-5168 1860-5168
- Relaterad länk:
https://doi.org/10.1... (Table of Contents / Abstracts)
- Part I: Intelligent Manufacturing Using Statistical Techniques -- Part II: Intelligent Manufacturing using Multi-criteria Decision Making -- Part III: Intelligent Manufacturing using Evolutionary Techniques.
- This book provides a detailed understanding of optimization methods as they are implemented in a variety of manufacturing, fabrication and machining processes. It covers the implementation of statistical methods, multi-criteria decision making methods and evolutionary techniques for single and multi-objective optimization to improve quality, productivity, and sustainability in manufacturing. It reports on the theoretical aspects, special features, recent research and latest development in the field. Intelligent Manufacturing is a valuable source of information for researchers and practitioners, as it fills the gap where no dedicated book is available on intelligent manufacturing/modeling and optimization in manufacturing. Readers will develop an understanding of the implementation of statistical and evolutionary techniques for modeling and optimization in manufacturing.
- Manufactures. (LCSH)
- Engineering economics. (LCSH)
- Engineering economy. (LCSH)
- Quality control. (LCSH)
- Reliability. (LCSH)
- Industrial safety. (LCSH)
- Production management. (LCSH)
- Operations research. (LCSH)
- Decision making. (LCSH)
- Manufacturing, Machines, Tools, Processes.
- Engineering Economics, Organization, Logistics, Marketing.
- Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk.
- Production.
- Operations Research/Decision Theory.
- TS1-2301 (LCC)
- TEC020000 (ämneskategori)
- TGP (ämneskategori)
- 670 (DDC)
- P.05 (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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