Water science policy and management : a global challenge / edited by Simon J. Dadson, Dustin E. Garrick, Edmund C. Penning‐Rowsell, Jim W. Hall, Rob Hope, Jocelyne Hughes.
Dadson, Simon J. (redaktör/utgivare)
Garrick, Dustin E. (redaktör/utgivare)
Penning-Rowsell, Edmund C. (redaktör/utgivare)
Hall, Jim W. (redaktör/utgivare)
Hope, Rob (redaktör/utgivare)
Hughes, Jocelyne (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 9781119520627
- Publicerad: Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell, 2020
- Engelska online resource (xxiii, 383 sidor)
- Relaterad länk:
http://dx.doi.org/10... (Table of contents)
- Water Science, Policy, and Management: Introduction / Simon J. Dadson, Edmund C. Penning‐Rowsell, Dustin E. Garrick, Rob Hope, Jim W. Hall, Jocelyne Hughes -- PART 1. WATER SCIENCE -- Hydroclimatic Extremes and Climate Change / Simon J. Dadson, Homero Paltan Lopez, Jian Peng, Shuchi Vora -- Groundwater Resources: Past, Present, and Future / Abi Stone, Michelle Lanzoni, Pauline Smedley -- Water Quality Modelling, Monitoring, and Management / Paul Whitehead, Michaela Dolk, Rebecca Peters, Hannah Leckie -- Challenges for Freshwater Ecosystems / Jocelyne Hughes, Heather Bond, Clarke Knight, Kieran Stanley -- Water and Health: A Dynamic, Enduring Challenge / Katrina J. Charles, Saskia Nowicki, Patrick Thomson, David Bradley -- Monitoring and Modelling Hydrological Processes / Simon J. Dadson, Feyera Hirpa, Patrick Thomson, Megan Konar -- PART 2. POLICY -- Reallocating Water / Dustin E. Garrick Alice Chautard Jonathan Rawlins -- Rural Water Policy in Africa and Asia / Rob Hope, Tim Foster, Johanna Koehler, Patrick Thomson -- The Human Right to Water / Rhett Larson, Kelsey Leonard, Richard Rushforth -- Policy Processes in Flood Risk Management / Edmund C. Penning‐Rowsell, Joanna Pardoe, Jim W. Hall, Julie Self -- The Political Economy of Wastewater in Europe / Heather M. Smith, Gareth Walker -- Drought Policy and Management / Rachael McDonnell, Stephen Fragaszy, Troy Sternberg, Swathi Veeravalli -- PART 3. WATER MANAGEMENT -- Water Resource System Modelling and Decision Analysis / Jim W. Hall, Edoardo Borgomeo, Mohammad Mortazavi‐Naeini, Kevin Wheeler -- Financing Water Infrastructure / Alex Money -- Wastewater: From a Toxin to a Valuable Resource / David W.M. Johnstone, Saskia Nowicki, Abishek S. Narayan, Ranu Sinha -- A Road Map to Sustainable Urban Water Supply / Michael Rouse, Nassim El Achi -- Equity and Urban Water Security / Katrina J. Charles, Thanti Octavianti, Erin Hylton, Grace Remmington -- Reflections on Water Security and Humanity / David Grey -- Charting the World's Water Future? / Simon J. Dadson, Edmund C. Penning‐Rowsell, Dustin E. Garrick, Rob Hope, Jim W. Hall, Jocelyne Hughes.
- Sustainable water management is an increasingly complex challenge and policy priority facing global society. This book examines how governments, municipalities, corporations, and individuals find sustainable water management pathways across competing priorities of water for ecosystems, food, energy, economic growth and human consumption. It looks at the current politics and economics behind the management of our freshwater ecosystems and infrastructure and offers insightful essays that help stimulate more intense and informed debate about the subject and its need for local and international cooperation. This book celebrates the 15-year anniversary of Oxford University’s MSc course in Water Science, Policy and Management. Edited and written by some of the leading minds in the field, writing alongside alumni from the course, Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge offers in-depth chapters in three parts: Science; Policy; and Management. Topics cover: hydroclimatic extremes and climate change; the past, present, and future of groundwater resources; water quality modelling, monitoring, and management; and challenges for freshwater ecosystems. The book presents critical views on the monitoring and modelling of hydrological processes; the rural water policy in Africa and Asia; the political economy of wastewater in Europe; drought policy management and water allocation. It also examines the financing of water infrastructure; the value of wastewater; water resource planning; sustainable urban water supply and the human right to water. Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge is an essential book for policy makers and government agencies involved in water management, and for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying water science, governance, and policy.
- Vattenförsörjning (sao)
- Water resources development. (LCSH)
- Watershed management. (LCSH)
- Water-supply -- Government policy. (LCSH)
- Water-supply (LCSH)
- Electronic books.
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Ppda Vattenförsörjning och avlopp
- 628.1 (DDC)
- Ppda (kssb/8)
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