How designers think : the design process demystified / Bryan Lawson.
Lawson, Bryan (författare)
- ISBN 0750660775
- 4. ed.
- Publicerad: Oxford : Architectural Press, 2006
- Engelska xii, 321 p.
- Part One: What is Design? -- Introduction ; The changing role of the designer ; Route maps of the design process. Part Two: Problems and Solutions -- The components of design problems ; Measurement, criteria and judgement in design ; A model of design problems ; Problems, solutions and the design process. Part Three: Design Thinking -- Types and styles of thinking ; Creative thinking ; Guiding principles ; Design strategies ; Design tactics ; Design traps ; Designing with others ; Designing as conversation and perception ; Towards a model of designing.
- Design (sao)
- Arkitektur (sao)
- Arkitekturteori (sao)
- Design (bnb)
- Architectural design (bnb)
- building construction (agrovoc)
- design (agrovoc)
- urban planning (agrovoc)
- Design (LCSH)
- Architecture (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Ic:d Arkitektur: teori, filosofi
- 72.01 (UDK)
- 721 (DDC)
- Ic:d (kssb/7)
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