The tidal model : a guide for mental health professionals / Phil Barker and Poppy Buchanan-Barker.
Barker, Phil, 1946- (författare)
Buchanan-Barker, Poppy. (författare)
- ISBN 1583918000
- Publicerad: London : Routledge, 2005
- Engelska 282 s.
- Preface -- Tales of shipwrecks and castaways -- Philosophical assumptions: a credo -- Throwing out the lifelines: the meaning of caring -- Manning the lifeboats: the tidal model in practice -- A map of the territory -- The self domain-the need for emotional security -- The assessment of suicide risk -- Engagement-supporting the self in crisis -- The world domain-planning holistic care -- The others domain-an anchor in the social world -- The lantern on the stern: individual care -- All hands to the pumps: group care -- Making waves: theoretical and philosophical undercurrents -- Origins and developments: in the shallows-in the deep -- The voyage from recovery to reclamation -- The ten commitments -- Epilogue.
- Psykisk hälsa (sao)
- Mental health -- Philosophy. (LCSH)
- Mental illness -- Philosophy. (LCSH)
- Psychology, Pathological -- Philosophy. (LCSH)
- Mental health (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Vl:d Psykiatri: medicinens filosofi
- RC437.5 (LCC)
- 616.89/001 (DDC)
- Vl:d (kssb/7)
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