Liber chronicarum [German] Das Buch der Croniken und Geschichten (Tr: Georg Alt)
Schedel, Hartmann, 1440-1514 (författare)
Alt, Georg, ca. 1450-ca. 1510 (översättare)
- Publicerad: 1493
- Publicerad: Nuremberg : Anton Koberger, 23 Dec. 1493
- Tyska 297 bl.
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Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- K Historia
- 900 (DDC)
- K (kssb/8)
Titeln finns på 5 bibliotek.
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Skoklosters slotts bibliotek, Biblioteket (Sko)Ange som favorit
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Placering: Inkunabel 42 (Imperfect, wanting ff 115 & 195. Moritz Hagenbriecher Secretarius Zue Eystett [Eichstätt] (1588). [Friedrich von Barnewitz, Denmark]. Carl Gustaf Wrangel, Skokloster. Illuminated, coloured woodcuts. Rubricated. Wooden boards covered with tooled yellow pigskin, with clasps and bosses.)
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Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, Specialsamlingar (Uka)Ange som favorit
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Placering: Ink. 34:16 Fol. maj. (Ex.: 1)
Placering: Waller 141 st. fol. (Ex.: 2)
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Stockholms universitet, Frescatibiblioteket (H)Ange som favorit
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Placering: Inkunabel 966 (Carl Gustaf Tessin. Rubricated. Vellum binding.)
Placering: 288 Hu 1 Husebysamlingen Inkunabel 39
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Lunds universitets bibliotek, Universitetsbiblioteket, UB (L)Ange som favorit
Titeln i bibliotekets lokala katalog
Placering: Inkunabel (Fragments in ISTC ij00212000 L, Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: Supplementum chronicarum (Venice: Bernardinus Rizus, 15 Feb. 1492/93).)
Utlånad?Öppettider, adress m.m.