Readings in cyberethics / edited by Richard A. Spinello, Herman T. Tavani.
Spinello, Richard A. (redaktör/utgivare)
Tavani, Herman T. (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 076371500X
- Publicerad: Boston : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2001
- Engelska xvi, 601 s.
- Ethics and the information revolution / Terrell Ward Bynum -- Ethics on-line / Deborah G. Johnson -- Reason, relativity, and responsibility in computer ethics / James H. Moor -- Disclosive computer ethics / Philip Brey -- Gender and computer ethics / Alison Adam -- Is the global information infrastructure a democratic technology? / Deborah G. Johnson -- Applying ethical and moral concepts and theories to IT contexts: some key problems and challenges / Frans A.J. Birrer -- Just consequentialism and computing / James H. Moor -- The Internet as public space: concepts, issues, and implications in public policy / L. Jean Camp and Y.T. Chien -- The laws of cyberspace / Larry Lessig -- Of Black holes and decentralized law-making in cyberspace / David G. Post -- Fahrenheit 451.2: is cyberspace burning? / ACLU -- Filtering the Internet in the USA: free speech denied / Richard S. Rosenberg. Censorship, the Internet, and the child pornography law of 1996: a critique / Jacues N. Catudal -- PICS: Internet access controls without censorship/ Paul Resnick and James Miller -- Internet service providers and defamation: new standards of liability / Richard A. Spinello -- Digital Millennium Copyright Act -- Note on the DeCSS trial -- A politics of intellectual property: environmentalism for the net?/ James Boyle -- Intellectual property, information, and the common good / Michael C. McFarland -- Is copyright ethical? / Shelly Warwick -- On the web, plagiarism matters more than copyright piracy / John W. Snapper -- An ethical evaluation of web site linking / Richard A. Spinello -- The cathedral and the bazaar / Eric Raymond -- Towards a theory of privacy for the information age / James H. Moor -- The structure of rights in directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free. movement of such data / Dag Elgesem -- Privacy protection, control of information and privacy-enhancing technologies / Herman T. Tavani and James H. Moor -- Toward an approach to privacy in public: challenges of information technology / Helen Nissenbaum -- KDD, privacy, individuality, and fairness / Anton H. Vedder -- Data mining and privacy / Joseph S. Fulda -- Workplace surveillance, privacy and distributive justice / Lucas D. Introna -- Privacy and the varieties of moral wrongdoing / Jeroen van den Hovan -- Defining the boundaries of computer crime: piracy, break-ins, and sabotage in cyberspace / Herman T. Tavani -- Terrorism or civil disobedience: toward a hacktivist ethics / Mark Manion and Abby Goodrum -- Web security and privacy: an American perspective / L. Jean Camp -- The meaning of anonymity in an information age / Helen Nissenbaum. Double encryption of anonymized electronic data interchange / Albert Vlug and Johan van der Lei -- Written on the body: biometrics and identity / Irma van der Ploeg -- Ethical considerations for the information professions / Elizabeth A. Buchanan -- Software engineering code of ethics : approved! / Don Gotterbarn, Keith Miller, and Simon Rogerson -- No, PAPA: why incomplete codes of ethics are worse than none at all / N. Ben Fairweather -- Subsumption ethics / David H. Gleason -- Ethical issues in business computing / Duncan Langford -- The practitioner from within: revisiting the virtues / Frances S. Grodzinsky.
- Computer networks -- Moral and ethical aspects (LCSH)
- Datanät -- etik och moral (sao)
- 175 (DDC)
- Brb (kssb77)
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