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Towards organizational knowledge [Elektronisk resurs] the pioneering work of Ikujiro Nonaka / Edited by Georg von Krogh [et al.].

Krogh, Georg von. 
Takeuchi, Hirotaka. 
Kase, Kimio. 
Gonzalez Canton, Cesar. 
ISBN 9781137024961
Publicerad: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan : 2013
Engelska 384 p.
Serie: The Nonaka series on knowledge and innovation
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Scholarship With Wisdom: An Introduction-- Georg Von Krogh, Hirotaka Takeuchi, Kimio Kase and Cesar G. Canton PART I 1. Nonaka's Contribution To The Understanding Of Knowledge Creation, Codification And Capture-- David J. Teece 2. Nonaka And Km's Past, Present And Future-- J.-C. Spender 3 The Formation And Development Of Ikujiro Nonaka's Knowledge Creation Theory-- Fangqi Xu PART II 4. Nonaka's 'Dynamic Theory Of Knowledge Creation' (1994): Reflections And An Exploration Of The 'Ontological Dimension'-- Robert M. Grant 5. The Purpose Of The Firm As Proposed By Nonaka: A Review Based On The Aristotelian-Thomistic Tradition-- Guillermo Farinas Contreras 6. Out Of The Garbage Can?: How Continuous Improvement Facilitators Match Solutions To Problems-- Florian Rittiner and Stefano Brusoni 7. The Knowledge-Based Theory Of The Firm And The Question Of Firm Boundaries-- Pedro Lopez Saez, Jose Emilio Navas Lopez, Gregorio Martin De Castro and Jorge Cruz Gonzalez 8. Russia's First Handbook Of Knowledge Management As A Reflector Of A Km Landscape Sui Generis-- Nigel J. Holden 9. A Humanistic Approach To Knowledge-Creation: People-Centric Innovation-- Yingying Zhang, Yu Zhou and Jane McKenzie 10.Leaping To Optima? Knowledge Creation And Behavioral Theory 200--Patrick Reinmoeller 11. Revisiting The 'Knowledge Creating Firm' In The 'Post-Capitalist Society' Context-- Noboru Konno PART III 12. Building Core Capabilities: The Roles Of Corporate Headquarters-- Andrew Campbell 13. The Global Games Framework: Knowledge Creation Through Strategic Interaction-- Rodolfo G. Campos 14. Knowledge After The Knowledge Creating Company: A Practitioner Perspective-- Laurence Prusak and Thomas H. Davenport 15. Governing Knowledge Processes In Project-Based Organizations-- Vesa Peltokorpi 16. Knowledge-Based Marketing: Fostering Innovation Through Marketing Knowledge Co-Creation-- Florian Kohlbacher 17. Judgement-Making In The Face Of Contingency-- Kimio Kase and Cesar G. Canton.
  • In recognition of Professor Ikujiro Nonaka's contribution to the field of Knowledge Management this book, forming part of The Nonaka Series on Knowledge and Innovation from Palgrave Macmillan, deals with a variety of aspects of the Knowledge Management (KM) theory and the knowledge-based view of the firm. -- In recognition of Professor Ikujiro Nonaka's contribution to the field of Knowledge Management this book, forming part of The Nonaka Series on Knowledge and Innovation from Palgrave Macmillan, deals with a variety of aspects of the Knowledge Management (KM) theory and the knowledge-based view of the firm. Through the apparent heterogeneity of interests and approaches to the subject matter, a common thread goes through Professor Nonaka's important contributions to the field through the foundation of a School of Knowledge Approach in management. By engaging in discussion and criticism, and by building upon Nonaka's insight and pioneering thinking, the contributions of this book shed light on a number of knowledge and innovation-related key facets. In doing so, the contributors provide a review of the current state of the KM theory and take stock of its major strengths and shortcomings. They also explore new research ventures in the field and suggest critical issues for further thinking. 
  • "This is a unique and outstanding book on the pioneering contributions of Professor Ikujiro Nonaka to the field of Knowledge Management. Knowledge is at the heart of innovation and is the driver of corporate growth and social progress. For this reason, both management scholars and practitioners should read this book to better understand and reflect on how knowledge is created, developed and applied more effectively in the corporate world." - Jordi Canals, Dean, IESE Business School, Spain. 


Knowledge management.  (LCSH)
Intellectual capital.  (LCSH)
Business and Management.  (ukslc)
Knowledge management.  (thema)


Nonaka, Ikujirao.


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