A pocket style manual / Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers ; contributing author: Rick A. Matthews ; contributing ESL specialist, Marcy Carbajal Van Horn.
Hacker, Diana, 1942-2004. (författare)
Sommers, Nancy I. (författare)
Matthews, Rick A. (författare)
Carbajal Van Horn, Marcy. (författare)
- ISBN 9780312568498
- 6th ed.
- Publicerad: Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2013.
- Engelska vi, 258 p.
- Writing papers in APA style -- Formatting papers in APA style -- Documenting sources in APA style -- Clarity -- Grammar -- Punctuation -- Mechanics -- Glossaries.
- "Because writing is required in so many college courses, the APA version of A Pocket Style Manual provides all the help you need to complete writing assignments in composition as well as in psychology, sociology, education, the health professions, criminal justice, and business"--P. [4] of cover.
- Bibliografiska referenser (sao)
- Vetenskapligt skrivande (sao)
- English language -- Rhetoric -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. (LCSH)
- Report writing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. (LCSH)
- English language -- Grammar -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. (LCSH)
- Academic writing (LCSH)
- Bibliographical citations (LCSH)
- PE1408 (LCC)
- 808.06/615 (DDC)
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