Excavations at Shah Tepé, Iran / by T. J. Arne.
- Arne, Ture J., 1879-1965 (författare)
Alternativt namn: Arne, T. J. (Ture J.), 1879-1965
- Publicerad: Stockholm : [Statens etnografiska museum i distr.], 1945
- Engelska (6), 367 s., 48 pl.-bl. (vissa i färg), 1 kartbl.
Serie: Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin - The Sino-Swedish expedition, 0348-0984 ; 7:5
Serie: Archaeology
- The Turkoman steppe and its ancient remains -- An account of the excavations of Shah Tepé -- Building remains -- The graves and their contents -- The Mussulman finds -- Chronology and race.
- Archaeology -- Iran (LCSH)
- Arkeologi -- Iran (sao)
- Utgrävningar -- Iran -- Shah Tepé
- 930.10955 (DDC)
- Joak (kssb/5)
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Placering: jF 122
Placering: bPF 52: 027
Placering: CURMAN J
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Placering: Sv. Resor Asien Fol.[Exped.Kina Reports 7:5]
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Placering: Depå KBB Jo 37
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Placering: Ark Iran /Arne
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Östasiatiska museet, Biblioteket Östasiatiska museet (Aom)Ange som favorit
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Placering: Läsesalen >Flerbandsverk 369
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Stockholms universitet, Frescatibiblioteket (H)Ange som favorit
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Medelhavsmuseet, Biblioteket Medelhavsmuseet (Mmb)Ange som favorit
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Placering: Ark Fr Or/Arne
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Placering: 48 A Reports from the scientific expedition to the north-western provinces of China ... - The Sino-Swedish expedition. 7:5. 1945.
Placering: (4:o.)
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Uppsala universitetsbibliotek, Almedalsbiblioteket (Ugot)Ange som favorit
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Placering: Nils Åbergs samling Arne
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Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul (Sfii)Ange som favorit
Bibliotekets webbplats
Placering: JARRING Hediniana 5:2
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