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Sökning: onr:13419011 > The Conundrum

The Conundrum [Elektronisk resurs] how scientific innovation, increased efficiency, and good intentions can make our energy and climate problems worse.

Owen, David. (författare)
ISBN 9781921942648
Publicerad: Brunswick : Scribe Publications, 2012
Engelska 1 online resource (193 p.)
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • About the Author; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; 1 The Conundrum; 2 Setting Things on Fire; 3 Fossil Fuels as Credit Card; 4 LEED-Certified Landfill; 5 Problems Innovate, Too; 6 The Greenest Community in the United States; 7 Learning from Manhattan; 8 Unconsciously Green; 9 Sierra Club or Manhattan Club?; 10 Sierra Club or AARP?; 11 Why Oil Is Worse Than Coal; 12 Let Them Eat Kale?; 13 Traffic Congestion Is Not an Environmental Problem; 14 Transit That's Bad for the Environment; 15 Fast Trains and the Prius Fallacy; 16 Increased Efficiency Is Not the Answer; 17 William Stanley Jevons. 
  • 18 The Coal Question19 How Increasing Efficiency Causes Overall Energy Consumption to Rise; 20 Rebound Creep; 21 The Importance of Less; 22 What Would a Truly Green Car Look Like?; 23 Plentiful, Inexpensive Natural Gas Is Not an Environmental Solution; 24 Cheap, Efficient Lighting Is Not an Environmental Solution; 25 Using Water More Efficiently Will Not Solve the World's Steadily Worsening Water Problems; 26 Burning Trash Is Not the Answer; 27 When Solar Power Isn't Green; 28 Green or Not Green?; 29 Flying a Kite; 30 Harnessing Wind Without Windmills?. 
  • 31 The Discouraging Economics of Innovation32 Getting from Lab to Grid; 33 Retrograde Innovation; 34 The Conundrum. 
  • " The Conundrum is a mind-changing manifesto about the environment, efficiency, and the real path to sustainability. Hybrid cars, fast trains, compact fluorescent light bulbs, solar panels, carbon offsets: everything you've been told about living green is wrong. We are consumers, and we like to consume green and efficiently. But David Owen argues that our best efforts are still at cross purposes to our true goal - living sustainably, and caring for our environment and the future of the planet. Efficiency, once considered the holy grail of our environmental problems, turns out to be part o 


Consumer behavior -- Environmental aspects. 
Energy consumption -- Climatic factors. 
Green technology -- Anecdotes. 
Sustainable living. 


Electronic books.  (LCSH)


TD148 .O94 2012 (LCC)
628 (DDC)
Ppd (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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