SPSS Survival Manual [Elektronisk resurs] a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS / Julie Pallant.
Pallant, Julie (författare)
Ebooks Corporation.
- ISBN 9780335242405
- 4. ed.
- Publicerad: Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill International (UK) Ltd, 2010
- Engelska PDF (361 p.)
- In this thoroughly revised edition of her bestselling text, now covering up to version 18 of the SPSS software, Julie Pallant guides you through the entire research process, helping you choose the right data analysis technique for your project.
- Statistisk metod (sao)
- Statistikprogram (sao)
- Social sciences -- Research -- Statistical methods.
- Social sciences -- Statistical methods -- Computer programs.
- SPSS for Windows.
- Statistics -- Data processing.
- Social Science.
- Mathematics.
- Statistics (LCSH)
- Electronic books. (LCSH)
- 519.50285536 (DDC)
- Thi (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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