Biblical exegesis : a beginner's handbook / John H. Hayes, Carl R. Holladay.
- Hayes, John Haralson (författare)
Alternativt namn: Hayes, John H., 1934-
- Holladay, Carl R., 1943- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Holladay, Carl Roark, 1943-
- ISBN 0664227759
- 3rd ed.
- Publicerad: Louisville, Ky. Westminster John Knox Press, 2007
- Engelska xi, 236 s.
- Introducing exegesis -- Textual criticism: the quest for the original wording -- Historical criticism: the setting in time and place -- Grammatical criticism: the language of the text -- Literary criticism: the composition and rhetorical style of the text -- Form criticism: the genre and life setting of the text -- Tradition criticism: the stages behind the text -- Redaction criticism: the final viewpoint and theology -- Structuralist criticism: the universals in the text -- Canonical criticism: the sacred text of synagogue and church -- Exegesis with a special focus: cultural, economic, ethnic, gender, and sexual perspectives -- Integrating exegetical procedures -- Employing the fruits of biblical exegesis -- Appendix: Using electronic technologies in exegesis.
- Exegetik (sao)
- Bible -- Hermeneutics
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Cc:dd Exegetik och litteratur om Bibeln: metodlära
- BS476 (LCC)
- 220.601 (DDC)
- Cc:dd (kssb/8)
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