Rhythm is our business : Jimmie Lunceford and the Harlem Express / Eddy Determeyer.
Determeyer, Eddy (författare)
- ISBN 0472115537
- Publicerad: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2006
- Engelska 331 s.
Serie: Jazz perspectives
- Paints a vivid picture of the sights and sounds of the glamorous side of a decade generally perceived as gloomy - the 1930s. This book traces the development of the Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra from its infant days as a high school band in Memphis to its record-breaking tours across the US, Canada, and Europe
- Lunceford, Jimmie
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Ijz Musik: särskilda tonkonstnärer
- 780.92 (DDC)
- Ijz Lunceford, Jimmie (kssb/8)
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