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Britten, Benjamin: Folk song arrangements

Complete folksong arrangements [Musiktryck] 61 songs / Benjamin Britten ; edited by Richard Walters.

Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976 (kompositör)
Walters, Richard (redaktör/utgivare)
ISMN M-051-93375-4
Medium/low voice
Publicerad: Milwaukee, Wis. Boosey & Hawkes ; Hal Leonard, cop. 2006
Flera språk 237 s.
  • Noter
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Volume 1: British isles ; Volume 2: France ; Volume 3: British isles ; Volume 4: Moore's Irish melodies ; Volume 5: British isles ; Volume 6: England ; Eight folksong arrangements (1976) ; Tom Bowling and other song arrangements. 
  • The ash grove ; At the mid hour of night ; Avenging and bright ; La belle est au jardin d'amour ; Bird scarer's song ; Bonny at morn (Volume 6 setting) ; Bonny at morn (1976 setting) ; The bonny Earl o' Moray ; The brisk young widow ; Ca' the yowes ; Come you not fron Newcastle? ; The crocodile ; David of the white rock ; The deaf woman's courtship ; Dear harp of my country! ; Dink's song ; Early one morning ; Eho! Eho! ; The false knight upon the road ; Fileuse ; The foggy, foggy dew ; Greensleeves ; The holly and the ivy ; How sweet the answer ; I was lonely and forlorn ; I will give my love an apple ; I wonder as I wander ; Il est quelqu'un sur terre ; The last rose of summer ; Lemady ; The Lincolnshire poacher. 
  • Little sir William ; Lord! I married me a wife ; Master Kilby ; The miller of Dee ; The minstrel boy ; La Noël passée ; O can ye sew cushions? ; O the sight entrancing ; O Waly, Waly ; Oft in the stilly light ; Oliver Cromwell ; The plough boy ; Pray goody ; Quand j'étais chez mon père ; Rich and rare ; Le roi s'en va-t'en chasse ; Sail on, sail on ; Sailor-boy ; The Salley gardens ; Sally in our alley ; She's like the swallow ; The shooting of his dear ; The soldier and the sailor ; Soldier, won't you marry me? ; The stream in the valley ; The stream in the valley (cello part) ; Sweet Polly Oliver ; There's none to soothe ; Tom Bowling ; The trees they grow so high ; Voici le printemps. 
  • Innehåller också förordet till "Tom Bowling and other song arrangements" av Paul Kildea. 

Indexterm och SAB-rubrik

Xoaba Musikalier: solosång + piano
Xqfd Musikalier: lieder, romanser, ballader och sångcykler


783 (DDC)
782.47 (DDC)
Xoaba (kssb/8)
Xqfd-e (kssb/8)
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